Story from Romania

  • Students from the 5th grade worked within this task, they analysed and discussed the children rights. Methods: conversation, explication, exposure, case study, teamwork. Forms of organisation: front, individual, pairs, in groups. As a lead-in stage, let us prove our solidarity once again and listen to the story of Cosmo waiting to meet you. Cosmo enters the class with a letter for children with a lacunar text. He will read the text, then discuss it. (Appendix 1)

    "What was Cosmo talking about?" The students recognize Michelle Nkamankeng’s called ‘My dream for every child’. Today we will discuss "Children's rights". The teacher writes the title of the lesson on the board. At the end of the day the students will have to know some rights the children have. All humanity is responsible for ensuring human rights in general and the children ‘ones in particular. The rights of the children are "something" that is right for you to enjoy. You must know that all these rights are proclaimed in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted on 20 November 1989 by the General Assembly of O.N.U. These laws are international and must be respected by each country.

    Cosmo asks a member of every group to extract an envelope. Each envelope has some of the rights and a responsibility that belongs to that right. Each team has the task of matching the responsibilities to the rights and draw pictures of them and make a short presentation for Cosmo. During the activity,5th grade students have showed interest in asking Cosmo about your own rights and responsibilities. They expressed their own opinions, explanations, made use of simple arguments to promote their own rights and responsibilities. Some competences were to be considered such as co-operation to carry out activities and to investigate issues specific to the different groups and communities, by assuming values ​​and social and civic norms. They have also identified through teamwork, some measures to be further taken in order to be actively involved in promoting and defending their own rights.