
  • Wait and Think - Netiquette and digital competence!


    Before posting or publishing information on The Internet take some minutes and think about Netiquette. It is the first step to develop the digital competence.


    What is Netiquette?

    In general, It is an amount of rules of behaviour on The Interntet.

    In 1995, a documeent elaborated by the IETF tried to regulate all the communications on the net. This document was called RFC1855 (Request for Comments 1855).[2 

    Nowadays, the societies have elaborated their own rules for the communication on The Internet. Basically, they are:

    • Rule 1: Take into account the person who will read the message, it is another human being with feelings that could be damaged.
    • Rule 2: Follow the same standars of behaviour that you follow in the real life.
    • Rule 3: Writing in capital letters is considered as a yell and moreover, it complicates reading.
    • Rule 4: Respect the time and the bandwidth of other people.
    • Rule 5: Show the best part of yourself meanwhile you are online.
    • Rule 6: Share your knowledge with the community.
    • Rule 7: Help to maintain debates in an healthy and educative mood.
    • Rule 8: Respect privacy of other people.
    • Rule 9: Don't abuse of your power or of the advantages that you could have.
    • Rule 10: Excuse the mistakes and errors of other people. Understand the mistakes of other people in the same way that you wait other people understand yours.

    Extract from:


    Digital competence framework

    European Commision


    CC Search