CEIP Virgen de la Paz

  • Campo de Criptana, Ciudad Real


    Public school located in the town of Campo de Criptana. It is a town with 13000 inhabitants located to the east of the Province of Ciudad Real. It is 175 km far from Madrid. Campo de Criptana is a town well connected and with all services: Medical Center, Library, Museums, several schools and a Secundary school. The center is in the Sierra de los Molinos . Los Molinos are very famous due to the literary work  "Don Quixote de la Mancha" written by Miguel Cervantes. The novelgo through the lands of La Mancha, that is to say Campo de Criptana and nearby towns. For this reason there is enough tourism in the town, part of that tourism is Japanese.
    Our  school has different levels from Pre-school to Primary Education with nine levels (from 3 years old to 6 years old and from 6  to 12 in Primary). The school has 10-25 students per class. Total number of students enrolled 120. The number of students is decreasing every year. The type of students that the center receives is very diverse, with students from the town 60%, foreign students 20% (Romania and Morocco) and gipsy students 20%. The teaching staff is made up of 16 teachers. Eight tutors, English teachers (2), Therapeutic Pedagogy, Music, Physical education, Hearing and Language, Counseling, Religion and Support to Bilingual Sections.
    The school develops a Bilingual Project in English. The area of ​​Natural Science is taught in English.
    We have applied two Erasmus Projects but we have not been selected, therefore we have no experience in these projects, but sometimes it has to be the first.
    The socioeconomic level of the families is medium low. 25% of families do not show much interest in the education of their children and have no expectations of higher education.
    The school  staff has great expectations in new methodologies , reading and writing and learning strategies to motivate their students.

    The school develops a Project of Multiple Intelligences in Childhood.
    The center gives a  great value to  reading  and writing so we developed a Reading Plan that contemplates different activities on reading animation with the aim that  to  students love for reading. The entrance of the library is set as if it were a castle and we have a pet called "Martina spider".
    Due to the heterogeneity of the students, we try to carry out collaborative and cooperative strategies in the learning process. The classes are organized by groups and in each group are responsible for tasks: environment, speaker, etc.
    In the last years the school has lost a lot of students because they have reduced the birth rate and foreign students who were in the school have gone to their original country  (mainly Romania).
    In general the school is well valued for its staff .
    This course it started the School Dining Service to offer better quality to families.
    The work in the center is very pleasant, the teachers have a great professional  level and there is a very good lrelationship between the members of the teaching staff.
    Relationship with families is very respectful.