Belgium - Sergio Díaz González

    Digital citizenship for the future classroom

    From the 6th to the 10th of November.

    (Brussels, Belgium)


    The course was devided into two parts:

    • Digital Skills (from Monday to Wednesday)
    • Online safety (from Thursday to Friday)


    • Day 1: Digital Citizen:

    The first day we were recived with some ice breaking activities with which we met the rest of students and the Future Classroom Lab zones.

    We were talked about some searching for information estrategies on the net and  share differents tools for kids for searching information. (Kiddle and Kid Rex).

    In general we talked about the digital citizen as a consumer and as investigator, how to look for information.


    • Day 2: Digital Skills:

    The second day we were investigating some tools to develop colaborative work like Blogger and Wordpress. We learnt about comunícate and colaborate using social media (twitter), teaching and learning.

    We talked about the benefits and risks of anonymous use of the digital skills, and usefull apps about it.(Mentimeter, Speakup,Todaysmeet)

    Finally we talked about the loss of creativity as we get older. And analized how to develop creativity through technology.”From digital consumers to digital producers (Powtoon, Pixton, DS tools)


    • Day 3: The digital citizen as a creator:

    We started focussing on the develop of creativity. We worked it with the storytelling.We worked in  groups in differents parts of the storytelling and how to develop creativity inventing shorts stories, and how to apply it in class (story bird, story cubes)

    After the break we spoke about de benefits of using gaming in class. Gaming increase the motivation in owr students and helps to internalise stongly the contents (be.socrative, kahoot)

    Finally we finish de day thinking about strategies of thinking as a method to solve problems.


    • Day 4: Online safety (e-safety):

    Firstly we received 2 days course students. We introduced ourselves and visitted again the Future Classroom Lab zones.

    Then, 5 days course students did a breve review of every cotents studied during first  three days course.

    After the break we were talking about the risks on the internet. We expressed our points of view about using digital devices in ours schools. We viewed some videos to reflection about the risks. (Ceop videos on youtube).

    We learnt some best practises in e –safety and how to develop a critical thinking in the use of social media. We worked in groups to create activities for making reflect our students on the consequences of what they post on the social media.


    - Day 5: online safety

    The last day we tlked about hate speech on the net and its power.

    Finally we worked on online well-being.

    To concluded we did a final evaluation of the course and received our certificates.



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