Belgium - Ana Victoria Ortega Bautista,


    Written by Ana Victoria Ortega Bautista, CEIP "San Fulgencio"


    My mobility consisted of a training course in Brussels, in the European Schoolnet named: “Digital citizenship for the future classroom”. From the 6th to the 10th of November.



    The course was structured into two main parts:

         - Digital skills (from Monday to Wednesday)

         - Online safety (Thursday and Wednesday)

       Monday, the 6th

    We started the session with some ice-breakers. We also worked on the definition of the digital citizen as an observer, practitioner and consumer.

    We discussed about the different and massive ways to obtain information in the web and developed strategies to improve the work of searching. We found out some pages to search with our pupils: Kiddle and Kid Rex.

    We finished the session wit a guided tour of the Future Classroom Lab.


    Tuesday, 7th

    On this session we dept on the digital citizen as a networkerand we introduced the possibility of using  Twitter as a tool in our classroom, as well as

    We also worked on the fact of using a blog and make students contribute to this class blog.

    We talked about anonimity on the internet and its benefits.

    We found out some anonymous tools for the class: Mentimeter, Speak up or Todaysmeet

    But there is also a risk of anonymity on the Internet and that makes people to give opinions or to react differently from who they really are. So, it is important to develop empathy in our students.

    The last part of the session was focussed on digital citizens from digital consumers to digital producers.

    We discussed about the fact that we loose creativity as we get older.

    We discovered some webs to promote creativity.


    Wednesday, 8th

    We started the session studying the digital citizen from producer to creator.

    That process requires creativity. We also  talked about the lost of creativity as we grow up

    So, we focused on several ways of developping creativity in the classroom. We analysed the different parts and elements of stories and we worked with some web tools which allow us to work cooperatively and edIt stories.

    We focused on stories and how to invent new ones.

    We have some interesting tools to create stories in the classroom with our pupils such us Storyjumper, Pixton, Powtoon.

    We also have Storibird or Storycubes. This last one, you can throw the dices and yo inmediately have the elements to make up a story.

    On the second part of the day we talked about the pros and cons of using games at scool.

    We worked on Socrative, atool which allows us to create games in order to increase motivation in the learning process

    We had notice of the eConfidence project from European Schoolnet.This project investigates in the benefits that games bring to the learning process.

    Finally, the last part of the session was dedicated to work on the Desing Thinkingmethodology. This methodology is based on the solving of problems through creativity.


    Thursday, 9th and Friday, 10th

    The second part of the course took place along theses two days. The subject was online safety.

    To start with we talked about social nets and the information we share there, opinions and so on. Different classmet shared their experiences the had with pupils sharing some type of information on their social nets.

    We worked on designing different kind of activities to make aware students of what sharing or hanging pictures in their social nets coul mean.

    We worked in groups and each group presented their conclusions to the rest oh the class.

    We finished receiving a certificate from the Future Classroom Lab and writing down what this course had meant for each of us