
  • The objectives of our project are framed around fiver areas of needs:

    1. Organitation and management area

    Main goal

    To know other systems of school organization that facilitate the incorporation of different programmes, such as bilingual teaching.

    2. Internationalization area

    Main goal

    To foster internationalization through the participation and collaboration in European Programmes, Erasmus+ and eTwinning projects.

    3. Linguistic and methodological area

    Main goal

    To make educational centers more attractive by improving the quality of their educational offer:

    a) To participate in bilingual programmes and offer hight quality content and language integrated learning in foreign languages (CLIL).

    b) To apply Active Work Methodologies in the classes.

    c) To create New Learning Scenarios based on the Future Classroom Lab.

    4. Integration and Inclusion area

    Main goal

    To develop different strategies to be able to attend to diverstity and promote integration and inclussion of all the students at school.

    5. Soft skills development area

    Mian goal

    To develop teacher's own abilities that allow him/her deal better with the challenges of the school and the classroom such as motivation, negotiation, time management, personal interaction, communication, problem solving, etc.