Day 5

  • 5. dan – Četvrtak, 22. kolovoza 2019.


    Jutro smo proveli u Muzeju umjetnosti gdje smo razgledali izložbu fotografija Kati Lainonen. Fotografije su nastale između 2015. I 2017. godine i prikazuju odnos čovjeka i konja. Razgledali smo i izložbu Rast i gubitak kose u suvremenom društvu.

    Nakon zanimljivih umjetničkih djela i mi smo stvarali umjetnost. U radionici KARTONSKOG TISKA svatko je stvorio grafiku na temu mjesta i trenutka u kojem se dobro osjeća. To je bio rezultat upoznavanja s razmišljanjem „Genius loci“ u kojem  okruženje, priroda utječe na  dobro (ili manje dobro) osjećanje čovjeka.

    Nedaleko od Muzeja umjetnosti je jedan od mnogobrojnih oulskih parkova Ainola u kojem smo uz mnoge rascvjetale biljke uživali u finskim kolačićima i kavi.

    Poslijepodne je počelo dvosatnom šetnjom kroz šumu do plaže Nallikari, smještenu na ulazu rijeke Oulujoki u Botnički zaljev. Šume su pune različitih plodova koje Finci vole brati. Na putu kroz šumu brali smo (i jeli) divlje maline i oskoruše. Plaža je pješčana, a s obzirom na niske temperature (16 stupnjeva) i mnogo vjetra, nije bila sezona kupanja. Naime, tamo se kupanje prakticira u lipnju i srpnju. Sada su samo surferi uživali. U kući na plaži neki su se relaksirali boravkom  sauni, neki šetnjom, a neki razgovorom.

    Kad smo se vratili, pripremili smo tipičnu finsku večeru. Svatko je imao svoj zadatak u pripremi. Pripremili smo slane  roladice, losos i haringe, salatu, krumpir s preljevom od luka i putra te voćni kolač. Pili smo i liker tipičan za ovaj dio Finske, od arktičkih brusnica. U ugodnom raspoloženju i druženju proveli smo večer. Nakon jela godila nam je kasnovečernja šetnja do grada.




    5th day – Thursday, 22nd August 2019


    This morning we spent in The Art Museum where we took a tour of the exhibition of photos taken by Kati Lainonen. The photos were taken between 2015 and 2017 and they represent the relationship between a man and a horse. We also saw an exhibition called The growth and loss of hair in the modern world.

    After interesting art pieces we created them too. In a workshop of cardboard print everyone had to create graphics recreating their own safe and good-feeling place. That was the product of the idea Genius loci in which the surroundings, nature has a good (or bad) influence on a person.

    Not far away of The Arts Museum is one of the many Oulu’s parks – Ainola. Surrounded with many beautiful plants, we sat down to enjoy some biscuits and coffee.

    The afternoon started off with a two hour long walk through the woods to get to the Nallikari beach, located on the mouth of the river Oulujoki to the Gulf of Bothnia. Forests are full of various different fruits which Finns love to harvest. On our way through the woods we were picking (and eating) wild raspberries and rowan. Nallikari beach is sendy, but we noticed that because of low temperatures (16° C) and strong wind there was no one swimming. It’s not a swimming season. Finns consider it warm enough in June and July for swimming, but there could be seen just a few warmly dressed surfers. At the beach house some took a relaxing sauna treatment, other went for a walk or chatted.

    When we got back, we prepared a typical Finnish dinner that everyone had to participate in. We made salty rolls, salmon and herring, salads, potatoes with onion-butter topping and a fruit cake. We drank a liqueur that’s typical for this part of Finland, made of arctic cranberries. In a pleasing environment and friendship we spent the evening. After dinner, we took a late night walk to the town centre.