Day 9

  • 9. dan (12. 10. 2018.)

    Posljednji dan tečaja učili smo pravila diseminiranja i napisali prijedlog diseminacije ranije provedenih europskih projekata te ga demonstrirali ostalima.

    Nakon toga uslijedila je predaja certifikata sudionicima.

    U slobodnom dijelu dana posjetila sam Interaktivni centar znanosti.









    Day 9, (October 9, 2018)


    During the last day of course we learned the rules of a dissemination and wrote one-page dissemination proposal of previous European projects made by all partners and demonstrated it to the others.

    After that the certificates were given to the participants.

    A visit to the Interactive Center of Science was also organised.








    The most important experiences during my mobility period were: work in a pleasant multicultural environment, focus on teamwork, interactivity, a lot of practical work and learning about various outdoor activities.


    Below is a short description of my mobility period regarding the new knowledge, skills and competences:

    I participated in several training modules: Culture and interculturality, Communication (how to communicate assertive), Group dynamics, Education methods (formal, non-formal, informal) - exchanging experiences and intercultural practices in a cooperative and collaborative learning process with focus on creativity and innovation. I learned about the key principles and benefits of outdoor education and how to teach school subjects outside the classroom. The outdoor activities I designed and planned was used for personal, social and relational development. Along with this, I visited two primary school.


    The competences I have acquired:

    - developing tools and techniques that can be used in implementing non formal learning methods in order to increase students’ motivation and combat drop-out phenomenon;

    - rising awareness on cultural differences, self-awareness;

    - getting knowledge on scientific models of culture (iceberg model);

    - developing competences regarding applying non-formal education in different formal settings in order to improve the motivation of the students;

    - sharing best practices and transfer knowledge and methods between different cultural zones and different learner ages;

    - adapting non-formal activities and techniques for my own teaching context in order to improve the motivation of their students;

    - deepening understanding of the multicultural school content through various creative tools for innovative problem solving;

    - implementing group dynamics for group organization;

    - working in international teams, respecting cultural differences, using peer to peer learning.

    I also improved my language skills.