    IES Los Cerros - presentation of our school's projects
    Prof. Danijela Takac attended a job shadowing in the school IES Los Cerros in Ubeda, Spain. She presented all the projects of OŠ Pantovčak to the school director, teachers as well as teachers visiting from Belgium, France, Italy and Hungary.
    "Round Table on Erasmus+ Projects."
    19 November, Tuesday, at 20:00 CET on ETwinning.

    Marina Mocan, an English teacher, presented examples of our good practice and connection of eTwinning portal and Erasmus+ projects.
    The conference was held on 7th November 2019.


    Supporting Key Competence Development: Learning approaches and environments in school education

    Na konferenciji Supporting Key Competence Development: Learning approaches and environments in school education koja se održala 12. i 13. studenog 2019. u Briselu (Belgija) su našu školu, na poziv Europske Komisije, uspješno predstavile Danijela Takač, prof. i Marina Moćan dipl. učit.
    Predstavile su aktivnosti iz Erasmus + projekta koje su uvrštene u europsku Scientix bazu te su imale prilike sudjelovati u različitim radionicama s učiteljima iz osnovnog, srednjoškolskog i visokog obrazovanja, voditeljima udruga, predstavnicima iz europskih ministarstava, europske komisije te su predstavile projekt u izložbenom prostoru.

    ERASMUS+ DAYS 2019



    Dana 8.7.2019. organizirali smo cjelodnevnu konferenciju u našoj školi s ciljem širenja znanja i vještina stečenih u KA1 i KA2 projektima.

    Skup je bio namijenjen odgojno-obrazovnim djelatnicima - učiteljima, nastavnicima, odgojiteljima, stručnim suradnicima i ravnateljima.

    Nizom predavanja i radionica učitelji, ravnatelj i stručni suradnici podijelili su svoja iskustva i stečene vještine u KA1 i KA2 Erasmus+ projektima naše škole.


    Implementacija međupredmetnih tema u sadržaje predmeta nižih razreda osnovne škole, Tatjana Pešić – Ilijaš, predavanje

    Dramske tehnike u nastavi, Željka Frančić - radionica

    Organizacija i vođenje uspješnih KA1 projekata, Danijela Takač, radionica


    Praktična primjena IKT-a u međupredmetnim temama, Marina Moćan, radionica


    Tehnika slikanja plastelinom na papiru, Tihomir Razum, radionica


    Primjena IKT-a za smanjenje administrativnih poslova učitelja, Miroslav Klobučar, radionica

    “Metoda galerije” u nastavi, Vesna Rak, radionica

    Integracija eTwinninga i Erasmus+ projekata, Daniela Usmiani, eTwinning ambassador, radionica

    Predavači: Tatjana Pešić Ilijaš, dipl. učiteljica; Marina Moćan, dipl. učiteljica; Željka Frančić, prof.; Danijela Takač, prof.; Miroslav Klobučar, prof.; Vesna Rak, prof.; Tihomir Razum, prof.; Daniela Usmiani, prof.


    On 8th July 2019 OŠ Pantovčak has organized a Skills DAy where teachers, that have attended teacher training activities in the KA101 and KA229 project disseminated the new aquired skills and knowledge to all the interested teachers from all around Croatia.

    We posted a call and registration to the conference on EMA system and had 50 applications whitin ten days. 12 more were on hold.

    The workshops in the conference were:

    Implementation of intra-curricular subjects in primary classes, Tatjana Pešić – Ilijaš, presentation

    Drama techniques in everyday classes, Željka Frančić - workshop

    Organization and implementation of successful KA1 and KA2 projects, Danijela Takač, workshop

    Practical application of ICT in intracurricular subjects , Marina Moćan, workshop

    Painting technique with Play Doh, Tihomir Razum, workshop

    Application of ICT to reduce teacher administrative work, Miroslav Klobučar, workshop

    “Gallery method” in the classroom, Vesna Rak, workshop

    Integration of eTwinninga and Erasmus+ projcts, Daniela Usmiani, eTwinning ambassador, workshop



    Plastelinko -  the contest we created has been very successful and has disseminated our Erasmus projects all over the country. We recieved around 200 entries and we organized a formal award ceremony and exibition ofthe artwork in the school hallways for the local community.

    See more about the contest and on the following link:


    and results:




    See more info here:


    Page views:



    We had 2 Portuguese teachers visiting our school for job shadowing - we presentetd all our projects to them.


    21.9.2019.  presentation on AMPEU national meeting for all new participants in Erasmus+ projects:


    Presentations on Teacher meetings for everyone after each mobility


    Vesna Rak, school psychologist informed our school teachers and non teaching staff about her experiences on her course "Spice up formal education! - non formal education to improve the learners' motivation" at Malta in October 2018. She has shown us and demonstarted 3 different activities.


    Teacher Jasna Bartolović Rimac published an article about her education on web page skole.hr


    On a course "Design the positive: positive thinking, positive communication and positive school spaces" from Florence:


    Teacher on Job shadowing in Catania published an article:


    Article about our STE(Art)M contest "Plastelinko":


    Marina Mocan's article published in HUPEzine No.11, May 2019 Newsletter for English teachers

    Na sljedećoj poveznici nalazi se članak koji je Željka Frančić napisala o svom usavršavanju u školi IESanJose u Cuenci u Španjolskoj.