EUROPASS SRL, Via Sant Egidio 12, Florence, Italia
1.7. - 6.7. 2019
TEČAJ: "Design the positive: positive thinking, positive communication and positive school spaces"
Tečaj „Design the positive: positive thinking, positive communication and positive school spaces“ odabrala sam zbog interesa za područje pozitivnih komunikacija i stvaranja pozitivnog radnog okruženja u školi.
Zadovoljstvo mi je što sam imala priliku sudjelovati na ovom tečaju koji mi je pružio mnoštvo novih informacija, dao niz pitanja za promišljanje te proširio moje vidike kako u profesionalnom tako i u osobnom smjeru.
I chose the course "Design the positive: positive thinking, positive communication and positive school spaces" because of my interest in the field of positive communication and creating a positive work environment in school. I am pleased to have had the opportunity to participate in this course, which has provided me with numerous new information, given a number of interesting questions, and broadened my perspectives both professionally and personally.