First day of my job shadowing in Cuenca, Spain started at 8:30 on Monday, 7th of April 2019. I was introduced to principal, teachers and administrative staff of the school IES San Jose. The school has a gymnasium and vocational programme, but also a billingual programme in cooperation with British Council. After seeing the inventary of the school, I was shadowing the classes of Spanish Literature, English Language and Literature and Physical Education. I also held a presentation about the Croatian educational system, our school and our country and culturale heritage of Croatia. Students were very interestening and they asked a lot of questions.
In the Spanish class I observed how they use drama technigues to handle the novel of Oscar Wilde, The Model Millionare. They transformed narrative text into a dialog which they performed during the class.
In the English class the students enjoyed having a presentation about Croatia and our educational system and cultural heritage.
In the Physical education students learn how to juggle, tie knots and dance (dances of Europe). They were exploring their own body limits, flexibilty, body language and coordination.
It was very interesting to observe that the students have some activities during their breaks, and they can play instruments in a music departement, or join creative writing workshops or dance activities, drama rehearsal, etc.
It was an interesting and inspiring first day.
Prvi dan u Cuenci, Španjolskoj počeo je u 8:30 u ponedjeljak, 7. travnja 2019. Upiznala sam ravnatelje i profesore škole IES San Jose. Škola radi po gimnazijskom programu, ali i po programu za strukovne škole, a nude i dvojezični program u suradnji s institucijom British Council. Tog sam dana promatrala nastavu španjolskog jezika, engleskog jezika i tjelesne kulture. IOdržala sam i prezentaciju o edukacijskom sustavu u Hrvatskoj te hrvatskoj kulturnoj baštini, kako za profesore, tako i za učenike. Svi su pokazali veliki interes za te teme.
Bio je to inspirativan prvi dan.