DAN 1 ( 29. TRAVANJ 2019.)
U ponedjeljak sam, prema dogovoru, u 10 sati došla u Escola Tomas de Borba gdje me dočekala susretljiva učiteljica engleskog jezika Elsa Sousa, voditeljica mnogih projekata u školi i članica Upravnog vijeća. Susrela sam se s ravnateljem i nekoliko kolega koji su mi poželjeli dobrodošlicu i uspješan rad.
Elsa me provela po najvećoj školi u koju sam ikad kročila, a s nekoliko manjih područnih objekata broji preko 1500 učenika. Škola je ujedno i muzički konzervatorij te i nosi ime prema skladatelju, glazbeniku, profesoru i inovatoru na području glazbene umjetnosti koji potiče s Azora.
Škola je jedna od najbolje opremljenih škola u Portugalu, ima nekoliko sportskih dvorana, dvoranu za balet, dvoranu s umjetnom stijenom za penjanje, bazen, studio za snimanje i još mnogo toga. U sklopu škole su i dva odjeljenja s učenicima s većim teškoćama u savladavanju sadržaja, dok su učenici s manjum teškoćama integrirani u redovna odjeljenja.
Prvi dan sam održala 2 nastavna sata s učenicima četvrtog razreda o Hrvatskoj, gradu Zagrebu, kulturnoj baštini, sportu, hrani i ostalim zanimljivostima. Usporedili smo neke elemente Portugalske i Hrvatske kulturne baštine te su učenici rješavali Mingle Cultural Quiz.
Poslijepodne je bilo rezervirano za razgled glavnog grada otoka Terceira, Angra de Heroismo, koji je imao važnu ulogu u povijesti Portugala.
DAY 1 (29th APRIL 2019)
On Monday, as agreed I arrived in Escola Tomás de Borba at ten where I met an English teacher Elsa Sousa, a coordinator of many school projects and a member of the Executive School Board. I also had an opportunity to meet a principle and several colleagues who wished me a welcome and successful work.
Elsa has led me through the most prominent school I've ever been to, with over 1500 students with a few smaller branch schools. The school is also a musical conservatory named after a composer, musician, professor and innovator in the field of music from the Azores.
It is one of Portugal's best-equipped schools, has several sports halls, a ballet room, an artificial rock climbing wall, a swimming pool, a recording studio and more. Within the school are two classes with severe special needs students, while students with a minor difficulty are integrated into regular classes.
On the first day, I held two lessons with students of the fourth grade about Croatia, the city of Zagreb, cultural heritage, sports, food and other exciting things. We compared some elements of Portuguese and Croatian cultural heritage, and the students solved the Mingle Cultural Quiz.
The afternoon was reserved for a tour of the capital of the island of Terceira, Angra de Heroismo, that played an important role in the history of Portugal.