Day 4 - Thursday, 28th March 2019.

  • 4. dan - Četvrtak, 28.3.2019.

    Dan je započeo u učionici engleskog jezika u kojoj je profesorica Valeria Cannizzo s učenicima 3. razreda priredila modnu reviju "On the catwalk". Učenici su bili odjeveni u različitim stilovima. Zadatak je bio prošetati kao na modnoj pisti, a drugi je učenik opisivao osobu (manekena ili manekenku) i njezin stil odijevanja. Naravno, sve je popratila dobra glazba. Učenici su svoj tekst pripremili na engleskom jeziku i bili doista uspješni u svojoj prezentaciji. Zahvalila sam im velikim pljeskom.

    Zatim smo, u istoj učionici nastavili sa sljedećim satom vježbanja engleskog jezika. Aktivno sam se uključila u rad i s učenicima sudjelovala u igri "My toys", opisivanje i imenovanje boja.

    Toga dana i ja sam bila u ulozi predavača.Naime, pokazala sam učiteljima i učenicima pripremljenu prezentaciju o Zagrebu, govorila im o znamenitostima i običajima našeg glavnog grada. Bilo je vidljivo kako ih se dojmio izgled i turistički sadržaji u Zagrebu.

    Slijedila je još jedna radionica, oslikavanje majica. Radionicu je vodila profesorica Sara koja je  oslikala i većinu zidova škole. Radionici su prisustvovali učenici 4. i 5. razreda, a posebno me se dojmio vrijedan rad dječaka s autizmom koji je sa svojom asistenticom strpljivo slikao oblake i cvijeće, motive koje je sam odabrao. Učenici su prvo, na prijedlog profesorice Sare odabrali motiv, zatim ga, uz pomoć profesorice, flomasterom nacrtali na majicu, a potom oslikavali.


    Day 4 - Thursday, March 28, 2019

    The day started in the English language classroom, where teacher Valeria Cannizzo put on a fashion show "On the catwalk" with the 3rd grade students. The students were dressed in different styles. The task was to walk on the runway while other students described the students style. Of course, it was all accompanied by great music. The students prepared their text in English and were very successful in their presentation. I thanked them with a big applause.

    Then, in the same classroom, we continued with another hour of English language class. I was actively involved in the work and participated in the game "My toys", the description of toys and naming of their colors.

    On this day, I was in the role of a lecturer. I showed teachers and students a prepared presentation about Zagreb, telling them about the sights and customs of our capital. They were very impressed with the appearance of the city and our tourist sights.

    Then followed another workshop, t-shirt painting. The workshop was led by teacher Sara who painted most of the school walls. The workshops were attended by 4th and 5th grade students, and I was particularly impressed with the work of the student with autism who patiently painted clouds and flowers with his assistant, the motifs that he himself chose. First, as suggested by the teacher Sara, the students chose a motif and then with the teacher's help painted their t-shirts.