2. dan – Ponedjeljak, 19. kolovoza 2019.
Paula nas je danas vodila na Sveučilište u Ouluu. Ujutro smo javnim prijevozom dvadesetak minuta putovali do kampusa u kojem su smješteni svi studiji u Ouluu. To sveučilište osnovano je 1959. godine i ima studij informatike, humanistike, prirodnih znanosti, tehničkih znanosti,… Razgledali smo zgradu, iznenadili se količinom studenata u kolovozu. Mnoga ergonomska rješenja u zgradi do sada nismo vidjeli, npr. stolovi koje studenti dižu i spuštaju, a paralelno se mijenja osvjetljenje toga stola. Postoje prostorije (za 4, 6 ili više osoba) koje studenti rezerviraju za svoje potrebe u kojima su potpuno na miru, bez ometanja ostalih u zgradi. Ugodno nas je iznenadio prostor za mišljenje i relaksaciju gdje dolaze studenti s brigama i problemima. Skidaju obuću, lijegaju na ogromne jastuke i razmišljaju, pa čak i spavaju. Studenti si slobodno kopiraju materijale koristeći svoju studentsku karticu.
I naša je grupa bila u sobi i radila po predviđenom programu. Svatko od nas se predstavio, izložio probleme u obrazovnom sustavu zemlje iz koje dolazi. Predstavljanje se pretvorilo u krasnu diskusiju sa zaključkom da sve, ovdje prisutne države (pa i Finska), imaju iste probleme – preopsežan kurikulum, učenje činjenica, probleme s roditeljima, nedostatak kritičkog mišljenja. Kolege sa Sicilije predstavili su svoj grad Cataniu i život ispod znamenitog, ali nepredvidivog vulkana Etne. Ja sam predstavila Hrvatsku, grad iz kojeg dolazim i školu u kojoj radim. Većina sudionika prepoznala je naš biser – Plitvička jezera. Odlične komentare izazvalo je uređenje naših prostora škole, svidjelo im se što imamo mnogo boja, što nam je prostor veseo. Ostali sudionici nisu predstavili svoje zemlje niti škole.
Nakon ručka posvetili smo se problemu zbog kojeg smo ovdje, a to je stres. Paula nam je održala kratko predavanje o simptomima, uzročnicima stresate kako ga se pokušati riješiti. Ponovno se spontano razvila vrlo konstruktivna rasprava o toj temi. Velik dio predavanja Paula je posvetila finskom načinu rješavanja stresa, relaksaciji u prirodi, konkretno – u šumi. Kako Finci, posebno građani Oulua imaju ogromne šume u svojem vrlo bliskom okruženju, našli su u njima mjesto opuštanja, mjesto dobrog osjećanja.
Vrativši se u grad, Paula nas je odvela pred gradsku vijećnicu i pokazala nam skulpturice čije značenje nam je detaljno objasnila. Svaka od njih predstavlja „malog čovjeka“(ribara, dijete, mornara,…), a simboliziraju važna razdoblja i ljude ovoga kraja.
2nd day–Monday, 19th August 2019
Today, Paula took us to The University of Oulu. In the morning we took a bus ride about 20 minutes long to the campus where all the studies are. The University was founded in 1959 and has studies of IT (information technology), humanities, natural sciences, technology and engineering… We walked around the building and got surprised by the number of students in August. A lot of innovative solutions we have never seen before, for example tables which go up and down but at the same time the lightning of them changes as the students move them. There are rooms (for 4, 6 of more people) which students can book for their own needs so that they can have peace and quiet without getting disturbed by others. We were stunned by the areas for thinking and relaxation where students try to get rid of their problems. They take off their shoes, lie down on large pillows and think, even sleep. Students can copy and print materials using their student card.
Our group got in the room and worked by the planned program. All members of the group introduced themselves and presented the problems of their own country’s educational system. Introductions turned to interesting discussion and we concluded that all of the countries have similar problems (even good known ones, like Finnish) – overload curricula, memorizing facts, problems in communication with parents, lack of critical thinking. Colleagues from Sicily presented their city Catania and life near famous but unpredictable Etna volcano. I presented my country Croatia, the city where I live (also the capital) Zagreb and my school in which I work. Majority of the group members recognized one of the most famous Croatian landmarks – Plitvice lakes. Positive comments were given on the interior of our school. They really liked lots of coloured walls that make space seem happy. Other members didn’t present their countries and schools.
After lunch we dove in to the problem we are all here for – stress. Paula did a short lesson about the symptoms, causes and how to get rid of it. Again, the spontaneous discussion occurred based on that topic. A portion of the lesson Paula dedicated to the Finnish way of dealing with stress, relaxation in the nature – specifically in the woods. As Finns, especially the habitants of Oulu, have huge forests nearby, they found them relaxing and peaceful.
As we came back to the town, Paula took us to the city hall and showed us small sculptures whose meanings she explained in detail. Each one represents a small man (a fisherman, a child, a sailor…) and important times and people of their area.