Day 1.
On the first day I got my schedule for the first week.
The school opens at 9:00h and at 9:30 the classes start. So, each day I had CLIL from 9:30h untill 11:00. Than a short 15minute coffee break than CLIL continues until 13:00h.
At 13:00h or 13:15h, depending on the day, we have a longer lunch break.
In the afternoon at 13:45h our Spoken performance classes start. They last for 2 hours and then we are free to attend the cultural and/or social programme the school organizes.
The 1st day I was introduced to my teacher Mark and 5 students from my group. The students were:
Anja from Koln, Germany, an ICT teacher that teaches in Adult education.
Ewa and Mariczya, math teachers from Poland. They teach in a secondary school.
Susana is a Bussines and entrepreneurship teacher from Bilbao, Spain that is interested in applying CLIL in her teachings.
Elena, a CLIL physics and chemistry teacher from Pamplona, Spain that has been teaching CLIL for 3 years now.
She has shared a lot of her experience with us during these 2 weeks.
On the 1st day after we got to know each other we have learned and disscussed different definitions of CLIL.
Prvi dan smo dobili tjedni raspored.
Škola se otvara u 09:00 sati, a predavanja počinju u 09:30 sati. Svaki dan smo imali CLIL edukaciju od 09:30 do 11:00 sati. Nakon petnaestominutne pauze nastavili smo s CLIL-om do 13:00h.
Prvi dan sam upoznala našeg ovotjednog učitelja Marka i 5 polaznika iz moje grupe. Ovo su moji kolege polaznici:
Anja dolazi iz Kolna, njemačka te je učitelj infomatike koji predaje odraslim polaznicima ( starosti 18 do 21 god) na veleučilištu.
Ewa i Mariczya, učiteljice matematike iz Poljske. One predaju u srednjoj strukovnoj školi te ih zanima uvođenje CLIL-a u nastavu.
Susana je učiteljica iz Bilbaa, Španjolska koja predaje Bussines and entrepreneurship jedan vrlo zanimljiv predmet koji nažalost u našem školskom sustavu ne postoji u ovom obliku i kurikulumu.
Elena je CLIL učitelj fizike i kemije iz Pamplone, Španjolska te intezivno predaje fiziku i kemiju koristeći CLIL već 3 godine učenicima 11 do 17.god starosti.
Ona je rado podijelila svoje iscrpno iskustvo s svima nama i to je bio jedan od neprocjenjivih aspekata tijekom ova 2 tjedna, čuti iz prve ruke prednosti i prepreke ovakvog načina rada.
Prvi dan smo dosta naučili o CLIL metodologiji te raspravljali o različitim definicijama CLIL-a.
SCOTTISH CULTURE _ SOCIAL PROGRAMME: Guided walk through the Old Town by Marc
ŠKOTSKA KULTURA_DRUŠTVENI PROGRAM: Vođena tura kroz Stari grad. Vodio nas je profesor Marc.
St. Giles Cathedral