- dan – Nedjelja, 18. kolovoza 2019.
Prvi radni dan u dalekom finskom gradiću Oulu započeo je susretom svih sudionika tečaja How are you, teacher? Došlo je trinaestoro učitelja iz sedam europskih zemalja (Italija, Slovenija, Grčka, Estonija, Slovačka, Francuska i Hrvatska). Naša domaćica, Finkinja Paula Saanio okupila nas je u jednom restoranu u kojem smo proveli večer u međusobnom upoznavanju. Paula nas je provela kroz tjedni program i približila nam neke osobitosti Finaca i njihove kulture (dnevni ritam, dogovor i kašnjenje,…). Družili smo se do kasnih večernjih sati, ne osjećajući stvarno vrijeme zbog dugog sjevernog dana.
1st day– Sunday, 18th August 2019
The first working day in a far away town called Oulu started with a meeting of all the participants taking part in a course called „How are you, teacher?“. Thirteen teachers came from seven European countries (Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Estonia, Slovakia, France and Croatia). Our host, Finn, Paula Saanio gathered us at a restaurant in which we spent the evening getting to know each other. Paula introduced us to the weekly program and presented some of the Finns' personality and their culture (daily rhythm, arrangements, being late…). We hung out until late night, not having any feeling of time due to the long days in the North.