1. dan - Ponedjeljak, 25.3.2019.
Prvi radni dan u Istitutu Comprensivo San Giorgio započeo je upoznavanjem s kolegicama iz razredne nastave koje su me, zajedno s učenicima, dočekali pred školom. Škola se nalazi u kvartu koji se zove Librino i u njemu se danas odvijao veliki društveni događaj. Naime, kvart se nalazi na periferiji grada i zanemaren je od strane gradskih vlasti. Brojni su i ekonomski problemi koji prate stanovnike toga dijela grada. A problem s kojim se svakodnevno susreću jest prilično onečišćen okoliš te neuređene i neiskorištene zelene površine.
Poznati umjetnik Antonio Presti, predsjednik organizacije Fiumara d' Arte Foundation, čija je ideja ljepotom se boriti protiv problema, uredio je ogroman zid nadvožnjaka fotografijama stanovnika Librina, nazvan "Porta della Bellezza", a svaku fotografiju prate stihovi iz poznate talijanske poeme San Francesca IL CANTICO DELLE CREATURE.
Zidom ljepote ("Porta della Bellezza") ukazuje se na svakodnevne probleme s kojima se kvart suočava i želja da se pokrenu pozitivne inicijative u rješavanju tih problema. Na priredbi su sudjelovali učenici nekoliko škola koje pripadaju kvartu Librino. Nakon intoniranja himne, okupljenima se obratio i sam umjetnik, zatim ravnatelj jedne od škola sudionica, a nakon toga učenici su izveli pravu priredbu u čast Zida ljepote. Na zadovoljstvo organizatora i svih okupljenih i gradonačelnik Catanije se odazvao pozivu.
Vrlo zanimljivo i poučno! Pravi primjer građanske inicijative, borbe za prava i ljepši okoliš, suradnja škola i lokalne zajednice.
Day 1 – Monday, March 25, 2019
The first working day at the Istituto San Giorgio began with getting acquainted with the teachers who met me together with the students in front of the school.
That day, in the neighborhood of Librino where the school is located, there was a great social event. The neighborhood is on the outskirts of Catania and neglected by the city authorities. The problems faced by the inhabitants of this area on a daily basis are the polluted environment and neglected green areas.
The famous artist Antonio Presti, president of the Fiumara d'Arte Foundation whose idea is to fight problems with beauty, edited a huge overpass wall with the photographs of the inhabitants of Librino called "Porta della Bellezza". Each photo was followed by lyrics from the famous Italian poem by San Francesco called IL CANTICO OF THE CREATURES. The Wall of Beauty points to the daily problems faced by the neighborhood and the desire to initiate positive actions in solving these problems, primarily environmental planning.
Attending the events were students of several schools belonging to this neighborhood. After the hymn, the artist himself gave a talk, followed by the school principals, and the students who performed a show to honor the beautiful wall. To the suprise of the organizers and all attending, the mayor of Catania came as well, giving the presentation of the Wall of Beauty even more significance.
All in all it was very interesting and informative! A real example of a civic initiative, a struggle for rights and a more beautiful environment, cooperation between schools and the local community.