Day 3

  • On the third day in my host scholl, I was at the Spanish literature classes where the students read a part of a novel, and than they supposed to summon the text. After they have finished, one student read the text, and the other critisized it. The teacher was just leading them. We had together some drama activities. Relaxing games, conscience alley, blind partner etc. Students did those activities in pairs or in groups.

    I was participating in a costume rehearsal for the play.

    I was participating also on a Physical Education class where the students practice cirkus exercise. It was very interesting. The Physical Education teahcers, Spanish teachers and Music nad Art teachers work together so they can do a play with students involving elements of each subject at the end of the year.

    The teachers showed me how they take care of administrative work - they work in two programmes - Pappass and Delphos. On the ned of the year they give reports with notes (1-10) for each outcome of the specific field in their subject.

    After two days spent in the scool I have noticed some differences in our systems, their start working on 8:30, they have two breaks during the day, a finish approximately at 14:30. They have school cantina where students can eat lunch. During the breaks students are involved in different facultative activities.