Vesna Rak, course review:

    Sudjelovanje u projektu mobilnosti pozitivno je utjecalo na moj profesionalni i osobni razvoj.

    Važan motivator za odluku o mobilnosti bilo je i povećanje mojih socijalnih, jezičnih i kulturalnih kompetencija kao i zadovoljstva poslom koji radim.

    Pozitivni učinci odražavaju se ponajviše u upoznavanju novih aspekata  primjene različitih strategija poučavanja s naglaskom na neformalne oblike poučavanja i vrijednosti izvanučioničke nastave s ciljem povećanja motivacije učenika. Tijekom pohađanja tečaja naglasak je bio i na kreativnosti u nastavi. Mnogobrojne aktivnosti: (Ne)moguća misija, Sagorijevanje zvijezde, Metoda galerije, Jednosmjerna komunikacija uključila sam u rad s darovitim učenicima, a proveli smo i jednogodišnji projekt o multikulturalnim kompetencijama kao jednima od ključnih kompetencija Europskog referentnog okvira. Planiramo i jednogodišnji projekt o tehnološkom razvoju na Zemlji.

    Na osobnom planu godila je spoznaja da se mogu ravnopravno uključiti u promišljanje i izvedbene aktivnosti u multikulturalnom okruženju zahvaljujući već stečenom iskustvu u radu.

    Općenito, vrlo sam zadovoljna svojim iskustvom u Erasmus+ programu mobilnosti kojeg preporučujem i ostalim kolegama.

    Being involved in a mobility project had a positive impact on my professional and personal development. An important motivator for my decision regarding the mobility period abroad was an intention of mine to increase my personal social, linguistic and cultural competences as well as my job satisfaction.
    The positive effects are mainly reflected in learning about new aspects of applying different teaching strategies with a focus on non-formal education and the value of outdoor education in order to improve students' motivation. While attending the course, the emphasis was also on creativity in teaching. Many of these activities: Mission (im)possible, Star bursting, Gallery method, One-way communication, I have involved inmy work with the gifted students. Also, together we have conducted a one-year project on multicultural competences as one of the key competences of the European Reference Framework on key competences. We are also planning a one-year project on technological development on Earth.

    On a personal level, I realized that I am able to equally engage in reflection and implementation activities in a multicultural environment, thanks to my previous work experience.

    Overall, I am very pleased with my experience with the Erasmus + mobility program and would be happy to share and recommend it to all my colleagues.



    Mirjana Gjano, course review:

    Zadovoljstvo mi je što  sam imala priliku sudjelovati na ovom tečaju koji mi je pružio mnoštvo novih informacija, dao niz pitanja za promišljanje te proširio moje vidike kako u profesionalnom tako i u osobnom smjeru.

    Vidjela   sam niz primjera dobre prakse koji prikazuju načine na koje možemo  učiniti prostor škole što ugodnijim i funkcionalnijim kako za učenike tako i za učitelje škole

    Sudjelovanje na tečaju pomoglo je i mom osobnom razvoju, proširilo spoznajne granice, doprinijelo poboljšanju komunikacijskih vještina, osobito poboljšanju  komunikacijskih vještina na engleskom jeziku te snalaženju u međukulturalnom okruženju.

    I am pleased to have had the opportunity to participate in this course, which has provided me with numerous new information, given a number of interesting questions, and broadened my perspectives both professionally and personally.

    I have seen a number of examples of good practice that illustrate ways in which we can make the school space as comfortable and functional as possible for students and school teachers.

    Participation in the course has also helped my personal development, broadened cognition boundaries, contributed to improving communication skills, especially improving my english language communication skills and being able to cope with a cross-cultural environment.


    Željka Frančić, job shadowing review

    Praćenje nastave iz sjene, tzv. job shadowing, u školi IESanJose u Cuenci u Španjolskoj bilo je izvanredan način uvida u rad profesora jezika koji primjenjuju dramske tehnike u nastavi. Prateći nastavu dobila sam nove ideje o primjeni dramskih tehnika u nastavi. Posebno me se dojmio timski rad profesora, odnosno njihov zajednički rad za završnu dramsku produkciju. Komunikacija se odvijala na engleskom jeziku tako da sam unaprijedila i svoje jezične vještine. U ovih se tjedan dana pokazalo kako su dramske tehnike učinkovit pristup u postizanju odgojno-obrazovnih ishoda u suvremenoj osnovnoj školi.

    Job shadowing in IESanJose School in Cuenca, Spain, was an extraordinary way of gaining insight into the work of language teachers who apply drama techniques in class. Through shadowing the classes I acquired new ideas about applying drama techniques in class. I was particularly impressed by the team work of the teachers, i.e. their joint effort on the school play for the end of the schoolyear. The communication was in the English language so I brushed up on my English skills. In this week it became evident how drama techniques are an effective way of achieving educational outcomes in a contemporary elementary school.


    Tihomir Razum, course review:

    Tijekom tečaja upoznao sam različite pristupe i načine podučavanja kroz multidisciplinarni pristup psihologiji umjetnosti povezivajući nekoliko disciplinarnih područja poput neuropsihologije, pedagogije i sociologije s naglaskom na osobnom iskustvu i samoizražavanju.

    U sklopu tečaja radili smo na razvijanju kreativnost nizom grupnih i individualnih vježbi i likovnih zadataka te učili kako održati pažnju učenika u nastavi tijekom kreativnog procesa učenja.

    Usvojio sam primjene različitih tehnika i pristupa za stvaranje likovnog djela te sam se u sklopu motivacije učenika upoznao s novim kreativnim načinima izražavanja poput tehnike slikanja plastelinom.

    Uvidio sam kako je potrebno promjeniti svoju poziciju i način na koji poučavamo da bi unijeli promjenu u načinu razmišljanja i pristupu nastavi. 


    During the course, I learned about different approaches and ways of teaching through a multidisciplinary approach to the psychology of art, by connecting several disciplines such as neuropsychology, pedagogy and sociology with focus on personal experience and self-expression.

    We worked to develop creativity through a series of group and individual exercises, as well as through a series of artistic tasks. We were learning how to keep students' attention in the classroom during the creative learning process.

    I have adopted various techniques and approaches for creating a work of art and for improving  students' motivation. We were also introduced to new creative ways of art expression, such as the plasticine painting technique.

    Finally I realised that it's necessary to change our positin and approach to teaching. 

    Tatjana Pešić Ilijaš, course review:

    Job shadowing u Istitutu Comprensivo San Giorgio u Cataniji na Siciliji bilo je dragocjeno iskustvo za moj učiteljski rad. Tjedan dana provedenih u talijanskoj osnovnoj školi donijelo mi je mnoge nove spoznaje u području metodike nastave. Komunikacijom na engleskom, ali i talijanskom jeziku razvijala sam svoje jezične kompetencije što je i bio jedan od ciljeva ove mobilnosti.
    Tijekom tjedna, prisustvovala sam nastavi svih nastavnih predmeta u razrednim odjelima učenika nižih razreda osnovne škole. Nazočila sam i radionicama koje su bile primjer integracije sadržaja likovne i glazbene kulture; matematike i prirodnih znanosti.

    Imala sam priliku upoznati i usporediti kurikulume nastavnih predmeta, izmijeniti iskustva s kolegama učiteljima, upoznati organizaciju rada škole. Prisustvovala sam predavanjima i radionicama, ali i društvenom događanju koji se taj tjedan odvijao u lokalnoj zajednici, a čiji je cilj bio okupljanje stanovnika i predstavnika gradskih vlasti radi ukazivanja na važnost uređenja kvarta u kojem se škola nalazi.

    Tjedan je bio ispunjen raznim aktivnostima u školi, druženjem s ravnateljicom škole i kolegama, a i sama sam održala prezentaciju govoreći slikom i rječju o školi i gradu iz kojeg dolazim. U vrlo prijateljskoj atmosferi i s učenicima i s kolegama protekao je moj boravak u Istitutu San Giorgio te sam sa sobom ponijela puno pozitivnih dojmova i svakako novu motivaciju za moj daljnji rad.

    Job shadowing at the Comprensivo San Giorgio Institute in Catania, Sicily was a valuable experience for my teaching work. A week spent in the Italian elementary school has brought me many new insights into teaching methods. By communicating in English as well as in Italian, I  further developed my language competences, which was one of the goals of this mobility program. During the week, I attended all classes in the lower grades of the elementary school. I also attended workshops that exemplified the integration of fine arts and music content; mathematics and natural sciences.

    I had the opportunity to get to know and compare the curricula of the subjects, to exchange experiences with my fellow teachers, and to get to know the organization of the school's work. I attended lectures and workshops, as well as a social event that took place that week in the local community, which aimed to bring together residents and representatives of city authorities to highlight the importance of organizing the neighborhood where the school is located.

    The week was filled with various activities at the school, socializing with the headmaster and colleagues, and I myself made a presentation about the school and the city I come from. I had a great stay at the San Giorgio Institute, spent in a  very friendly atmosphere with my students and colleagues. I brought back many positive impressions and certainly a new motivation for my further work.


    Danijela Takač, course review:

    This course ENHANCED ENGLISH SKILLS AND INTRODUCTION TO CLIL METHODOLOGY was for educators specializing in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) who wish to enhance and refresh their skills in delivering subject content in English. As a science teacher that is about to teach physics using English as a foreign language this course was very valuable to me.

    We learned:
    - the principles of CLIL,
    - maximising and optimising the use of English in the classroom,
    - how to activate vocabulary and encourage reading and writing,
    - English phonology and pronunciation,
    - using technology in the classroom
    - different web 2.0 tools to use in the CLIL classroom

    The most important for me was how to organize a CLIL class and get the idea on what should I focus on. We also concentrated on speaking and listening skills as well as fluency in the Spoken Performancesessions.The programme also included a General English component to allow teachers to improve their fluency in English as well as an introduction to Scottish culture.During the sessions, morning and afternoon, we had task-based with individual, pair and group work. The trainers were amazing; they gave us immediate practical feedback and adapted their courses to our needs.

    Miroslav Klobučar, course review:


    Jasna Bartolović - Rimac, course review:

    This course HOW ARE YOU, TEACHER? was for:

    • improving teacher’s abilities to respond to individual learners' needs and to deal with their social diversity by gaining knowledge and experience on how to get the peace of mind with easy physical activities in Finnish nature. Also by learning the difference of good stress and bad stress, learning how and when to say no as an approach to solve problems and managing to change stress from chaos to coherence, getting mental and physical resources to meet the challenges of the work. By making short movies in workshop with professionals about the Finnish culture, social behavior  to get  digital skills and ideas.
    • getting Competences and experiences into the curriculum by getting knowledge about Finnish Basic Education Curriculum and teachers' role in implementing it, as well as a short view to PISA 2021 towards creativity
    • learning more about Finland and Finnish culture.
    • encouraging to increase English language skills
    • feeling more confident and proud about being a competent and good teacher

    At this course I was:

    - Gaining knowledge about Finnish Basic Education Curriculum

    - Learning the difference of good and bad stress, learning how and when to say no as an approach to solve problems               

    - Learning about Finland and Finnish culture

    - Getting mental and physical resources to conqure the challenges of work

    The most important  for me, after this course, is a fact that our mental and physical beeing can be better with easy physical activities in the nature. In everyday life we don't use this way to get better, as we think, we have no time… Also, now it will be easier for me to say NO to someone who deserves it. It was very useful for me to hear about Finnish Curriculum because I was feeling nervous about our Curriculum. I heard the most objections which I know for ours. Very relaxing were dancing, movie and art's workshops  which I liked very much. I enjoyed walks through the Finnish forests and making  Finnish food. Finally, it was very relaxing and useful course, especially for teachers who  work for a long time in a classroom.