
    I.E.S Elexalde BHI

    We  recruted volunteers for the project.There was a lot of work to be done and their help was very welcomed.

    We placed a paper in all the classes of 3 DBH to ask for volunteers and we had a meeting and agreed to gather at break time.

    We decided what type of tasks were necessary and distributed them according to volunteers´abilities.

    They signed a compromise and they signed every time they met.

    The first task was the personalised letters.

    Students created personalisesd letters according to the subjects related to the project.


    DIDACTIC UNIT ONE Volunteers.docx




             Persoalised letters explanation.docx



    Letras escaneadas 2.pdf



    Volunteers designing the personalised letters



    Placing the letters on the wall

    The students placed the mural of the project on the wall.All the activities of the project were placed on it. The first one was Basque sports/ Greek ancient sports.

    The mural is the amazing journey of two years and a half that our students started full of enthusiasm. During this journey they discovered their own heritage, shared it with the Greek students and Greek students with us and had their suitcases at the end of the project packed with good experiences, new friends and knowledge of both cultures under a tolerance and respectful mind which enriched them.

    Video of the volunteers explaining each letter

    Placing the mural of the project

    Creation of murals 

    Students  created and designed several murals  of the project to disseminate the project in the high school

    Xmas mural 

    Both students  exchanged Christmas cards and we  placed all of them in a big mural wishing Merry Christmas 

    Logo Competition

    Students created the mural related to the Logo Competition. They placed all the selected logos of the project and they  also showed the different versions of the logo of the project.

    Decoration of Erasmus + class 

    Students  started the decoration of Erasmus + class They started with the lockers

    Basque Mtyhology

    One of the activities of the project was Basque Mythology so they created the mural taking into account the mythological characters they used for their tales.

    Greek/ Basque musical instruments

    The students designed a Greek column and they drew four Basque instruments and another four ancient Greek instruments.

    Erasmus+ newspaper

    The Erasmus+ newspaper mural shows the dissemination of our project and the Greek one in the media

    At the same time on the second floor for the students of 3 DBH and on the first floor for the students of 1 DBH  there were different boards with the different activities related to the project.

    Mural of 1 DBH 

    Mural of 2 DBH

    The boards and mural of the project

    Ambassadors of the project



  • A n enjoyable activity

    Students have enjoyed creating these letters at the same time they have learnt about both countries´heritage

    Volunteers have met at the break and decided to personalise letters in order to place them in a big mural . Each letter represents a tradition , a subject of the project , a mythological character, a sightseeing.
    After creating them they have prepared a video in which each one explains the letter.

  • What does the letter N represent?
    a) Lamiak
    0 votes (0%)
    b) Bizkaia bridge.
    2 votes (100.00%)
    c) The Puppy.
    0 votes (0%)
    d) Zeus
    0 votes (0%)