Due to the COVID 19, we asked for an extension of the project and we planned how to organise it.
Planning Erasmus + 2020-21.pdf
First, we finished the activities we couldn´t carry out and we decided to create new ones and open the project to the students of DBH of the different levels.
Students of this level read the book " Tales from Greek Mythology " and after reading the book, they looked at the digital stories that students from last year 2019-20 did .They also read the ones done by Erasmus students.
With all of this information and after learning how story jumper platform works they creted their stories.
They can be read on the web of the project . Here just one example of one of it
Students of 2 dbh created Google maps looking at all the information related to C4 Elexalde mobility which can be found on the web of the project. They showed us in a map the different places visited by our students in Greece.
Students of 3DBH looked at the recipes done by Greek students, at Christmas they chose one Greek recipe and cooked it.
All the recipes can be found on the web of the project. Here just one to invite you to look at it and give a try.
Students of 4 dbh after they read all the information about Greek culture heritage they created kahoors with it.
Erasmus+ kahoots.pdfGreek heritage rubric.pdf
Katerini School
Katerini schools also participated cooking Basqye recipes. They can be seen on the blog of the project.
Here just one
They also prepared some digital stories which can also be read on the blog of the project .
Here just one