• I.E.S Elexalde

    10th September 1018


    The cordinator Mrs Gutierrez informed the pedagogical team about the project "Discover and share your identity mark" its objectives, contents, reason for presenting the project, their participation in the project, the activities that they would carry out, the development of the project and dissemination.

    The coordinator Mrs Gutierrez looked at the teachers' timetable and agreed to meet them whenever it would  be necessary, in case a problem arose and during the activity to know what they were doing.


    All the school curricula of the subjects which are part of the project are placed in the school O: orokorra file as it is required by the Basque Government.
    As we agreed in our meeting, each subject has incorporated the units which will be worked in class in their School curricula.
    Lengua castellana. As the teacher who gives lessons in the group of the project is the Latin teacher and knows the area of Greece where Katerini school is located , has explained to the students about the history of that part of Greece as well as some Greek words to use with the Greek students.
    Basque: This teacher will work the culture heritage the Basque language and the Basque Mythology.
    Art: The creation of the logo. She  will also have an active and big participation in the project.
    Physical Education: Culture heritage Basque sports. 
    Music: Culture heritage Basque instruments and dances. Song of the exchange.
    History: The Maritime heritage.

    The English Department: Not only do 3 DBH students participate in the project, but also the rest of the students form other levels will have some aspects of the project in the English school curricula.

    Moreover, they will be encouraged in the English subject to read or  write on the School blog, e Twinning and participate in the open days or workshops organised

    .NuevoDocumento 2019-06-25 17.15.07.pdf 1.pdf


    minutea with other fields.pdf

    As teachers´timetable made difficult to meet. Mrs Gutierrez set up different  individual meetings with  the teachers who were part of the pedagogical team.The coordinator checked their timetable and my timetable and look for a session to work.

    Before each activity, the coordinator talked to them to see the way they could organize the activity, and to know the different steps to follow. At the same time, we established  the cooperation and collaboration between us. 


    The creation of the logo


    A meeting with the Physical education teacher to organise the activity. It was explained in the unit of the activity.

    Besides, the PE education teacher helped second of bachiller students to organise the day of the Basque language.

    Once the Greek students shared their activity with us, our students did it again in his class. The activity students did was traditional Greek games, after watching the videos, Greek student prepared for them, where all the rules were explained.

    They also learnt to play mila a Greek traditional dance.


    I met the Basque teachers and she explained to me the different activities, she carried out. First, the students prepared some PowerPoints about the origin of the Basque language and then some murals about it.

    P13 Basque Mythology heritage

    Students prepared Padlets with information of the Basque creatures. They also did oral presentations with them

    P 8-9-10   Basque  Dances and Musical instruments

    In The Music class students did murals that were placed in the Music class with all the information the Music teacher gave to them.

    The second activity they have did was the creation of PowerPoints in which they also explained the origin and characteristics of the Basque Instruments

    They also created the song of the project.

    They prepared jauzi zazpi to share with Greek students as it was danced by both students in the students´ mobilities.

    They also learnt to dance hasapiko from Greek students

     P 15   Basque Maritime Heritage

    A visit to the Maritime museum and some Padlets about Vizcaya Hanging Bridge


    Proiektua_Elkanoren Abenturak.pdf


    Minutes of first meeting with pedagogical team

    minutea with other fields.pdf


    NuevoDocumento 2019-06-25 17.15.07.pdf 1.pdf




    3rd Junior High School of Katerini


    Date: 1st October 2018

    Participants: the members of the pedagogical team

    P41 Meeting with the pedagogical team 

    The pedagogical team’s sitting took place on the 1st of October. The teachers were introduced to the concept of the project as well as the details of its implementation. There was an allocation of duties so that it will be clear who is responsible for what. The reasoning was for every teacher to be given a topic of interest according to the subject he teaches.

    Thus, the Language and Literature teachers are responsible for the Language part of the project in November. They are going to work together with the English teachers to produce a tri- lingual dictionary in Basque, Greek and English.  The sports teacher will be responsible for the sports in December as well as the dances and traditional games in January. The music teacher, who has already chosen three songs to be dressed in Basque verses and sent them to the Basque teacher of music, will prepare the musical part of the project dealing with ancient instruments and ancient Greek music in January. The teachers of Technology and Home Economics are responsible for the part which has to do with Greek cuisine and the Mediterranean diet as well as the Master Chef Competition in February. The History teachers will deal with Mythology and the local history in March and April. The Science teacher together with the Chemistry teacher with the Maritime heritage in May and Natural heritage (Olympus) next year. The archaeologist with the archaeological sites.

    The whole project will be worked out in extracurricular meetings as the students of the group have been chosen with certain criteria from grade B’. Thus, it wasn’t convenient to incorporate it in the Curriculum. The pedagogical team agreed to choose the students having in mind their responsibility, the degree of their involvement, if they speak English well enough and   their ability to work as a team. Also, we included in the team some students with financial problems who could hardly have the opportunity to travel or study abroad and meet another culture. As for the final screening, which ones will finally travel to Spain, there will be a point system based on the above criteria and a screening board.