

    We disseminated the project to parents . As the project had fullfiled its first year , we  shared all the activities we had carried out untl now with parents.

    We  showed them some slides about the project and its activities. We  started explaining what the project is about, its objectives, the reason to present the project and the different activities we had done until now.

    All the activities were explained with their own videos . We also created a video to summarise the project

    Parents were given a leaflet where we explained all the activities  done, the dissemination of the project, and where all the activities could be found.

    Students  explained to them 



    Students also danced a traditional Greek dance hasapiko 

    Dissemination of THE OPEN DAY at school

     The slides of the presentation of the project in OPEN DAY 




  • Open Day Dissemination to gather Erasmus + family

    In the Open Day Dissemination in Elexalde and Katerini school , we all enjoyed the project

    In the Open Day in June , the project was presented to parents again in order to make them part of the big family that had grown. Students and teachhers also participated and it was a nice meeting where all of them gave their impressions about the project and discovered it.

    Katerini school also disseminated the project and parents tasted the "pintxos" cooked by Katerini teachers

    In the Open Day in June in Katerini school parents, teachers and students gather to talk about the project. Parents were also informed about the teachers´visit to Elexalde school. They ended the event with the tasting of Basque pintxos

  • Do you consider that an Open Day is a very fruitful event which is necessary for the good progress of the project?
    a) Yes, because it is an event where families, teachers and students meet to discuss about the project
    13 votes (92.86%)
    b) I don´t think it´s really necessary because the project was disseminted in the different platforms
    1 vote (7.14%)
    d) Not really necessary at all
    0 votes (0%)