P 27 Old Twon Bilbao.docx
The objective of the activity was that students were tourists in Bilbao . They laernt about the history behind it and shared it with Katerini students.
Students started doing this activity last year in May before Greek teachers came.
With all the information they had and the activities they were described above, they showed to the Greek teachers.
They designed an itinerary called Bilbao step by step so that it could be followed by Greek teachers when they stayed in Bilbao.
The activity started with a school trip organised by Erasmus+ to Bilbao.
Students were divided into pairs and had to follow the information given by the local guide.
The students were given explanations about the historical and architectural heritage of Bilbao by a local guide. He explained to them all the different sights of Bilbao and they took pictures and recorded all his explanations.
With all the information given, each group chose an important historical and architectural sight of Bilbao and created a video including the explanations of the local guide.
Then they created different posters of the chosen sights and all of them were placed in a big mural.
All these posters can be read in a digital magazine and watched in a video.
That was Bilbao step by step. They did it as a itinerary that could be followed to know the different sights of Bilbao, making people who looked at it become tourist and enjoy the historical and architectural heritage behind them.
When the whole activity was completed they had the intention of sharing it with Greek students in the short term exchange in May.
We couldn't do the activity in May 2020 because of the coranovirus,Greek students didn't visit us .
So in March 2021 in C1 virtual mobility Elexalde students guided Greek students virtually following the big mural Bilbao step by step.
A mural of the Guggemheim with all the principal sites created by students was placed in Elexalde school.
The video created by the students after the tour of Bilbao can be seen in the section the video of the tour.
As Greek students couldn´t visit us in C1 mobility due to the pandemia, Greek students didn´t visit us and they couln´t be tourists in Bilbao and show them its sights.
But in C5 virtual mobility they edited a virtual video 360