• September-October 2019

    The coordinator of the project Erasmus+ Gemma Gutierez  explained to the School Staff but specially to the new teachers what the project "Discover and share your identity mark" was about, its objectives, the reason of doing it and the activities which were carried out last school year. They were also said where the project could be found and where all the ativities were so that they could check it and participate .

    All the School Staff was infiormed about the first issue of the project magazine which was placed on the table of the teachers´room to be consulted and see all the activitied done so far.

    Then, the coordinator told them the activities which were being carried out by students now and the ones which would be carried out the school year 2019-20. Then , the coordinator gave  them all the details about the 2020 students´mobilities. The first one took place in March and the second one took place in May, when Greek students visited us.

    There was also a detail about the activities which were organised, the dates, and they were invited to participate in them.

    The meeting finished showing the School Staff where the project was to be seen.




    Project presentation irakasle berria from GUTIERREZGEMA


    The coordinator of the project Erasmus+ Gemma Gutierez  explained to the OMR the latest activities that had been carried out in the project since the last meeting: both the ones of the last course as well as those of this course.

    Several information was clarified: students' mobility, dates, the number of participants, and the selection criterion as well as the kind of workshops that were going to be conducted when the Greeks visited us. Besides, it was insisted that the students' selecting criterion would be the participation in it.

    Furthermore, parents were invited to participate in the project, either by giving ideas for the mobilities' organization or by contributing to articles that need to be published in the project's blog. In fact, they were shown the latest publication written by the parents of a student.

    Finally, the meeting finished remembering them where the project could be seen.


    3rd Junior High School of Katerini

    October 2019

    During the first meeting of  the school year 2019-20 the school Board together with the School Staff were informed about first year's progress as well as about the second year of the project and the planned activities to be carried out. It is of importance that we clarify the fact that the meetings of both the Staff and the Board occured as one, because our Board consists of only three teachers, that is, the Headmaster and the two Deputy Directors who had short briefings every month throughout the three years.There was also a briefing concerning the assessment process and further dissemination for the following year. The teachers were presented with the preparation of the two mobilities which would follow and were encouraged to participate and help. Questions and queries were answered and clarified about the preparation of the school for the mobility of the Basque team as well as the changes in the school programme.