I.E.S Elexalde
OBJECTIVE: students learnt what the project was about.
This was the first activity of the project. The title of the project was written on a Padlet and there was a brainstorming. All the students listed all the words which they thought they might have been related to the title of the project.
The teacher using PowerPoints explained to the students the objectives and competences involved in the project in detail. She insisted on the importance of bearing in mind the objectives of the project whenever an activity was designed.
Posters are hung on the wall so that students could remember them and take into account in their activities.
Expectations written by students about the project
A questionnaire is done by students to assess their expectations at the beginning of the project, which will be assessed at the end of it.
3rd Junior High School of Katerini
Title of the activity: Presentation of the project “Discover and share your identity mark” to the students
Objective: The objective of this activity is to present the project to the students.
Description of the activity:
We invited the Erasmus group and presented the general idea of the project to the students.
There was a brainstorming activity as to what cultural heritage is and the importance of knowing our heritage and sharing it with others as well as getting to know to other cultures.
The students were asked to write down their expectations from the project.
At the end of the project there will be a questionnaire evaluating whether their expectations have been fulfilled.