• P52

    I.E S Elexalde

    8th October 2018

    1st meeting with the 3 DBH parents

    We took the advantage of the school beginning meeting with parents to let them know the project.
    The parents to whom we led the project were the parents of 3 DBH because this was the group where the project would take place.
    Parents were given a dossier with all the projects which were carried out at school and within all of them our project.
    The coordinator explained to all the tutors the project, so that they could give information to all parents.
    We also prepared a letter where the project and management of it was explained.
    We would like to point out that we insisted that although there was a group which would carry out most of the activities this year, 
    it didn't mean the other groups would not participate and that the next year it could be changes in the group.
    The effort and participation was essential and those students who wouldn't show it would not be part of it.
    Moreover, when we worked some aspects of the project with the other group (we mean that group which wasn't the first Erasmus group) if we saw in this group students who had showed a lot of enthusiasm and hard work.These students would  be part of the next year group.
    This information was cleared out to all the parents.
    The attendance to the meeting was controlled by the tutors and to those parents who didn't attend but taking into account they were very few in each class were given the letter to read it and sign it to make sure they had received it.

    The letter was given to the parents at the beginning of the school year explaining the project. It took place in the meeting of parents with tutors.

    carta padres Erasmus +proyecto logos.pdf

    This document is the criteria used by the English Department to choose the Erasmus+ class


    November 12th 2018

    Meeting with the class 3 DBH C

    We  explained the project to the Erasmus+ students´s parents whose sons and daughters participated in it and described them the project, the reason to present it, objectives, competences, the partners who participated  the development of it , the results expected to be obtainied and the dissemination of it.
    We showed them our staying in Greece and gave them information about  the students who participated in the project and met in our mobility to Greece.
    We  encouraged them to participate through the blog and showed them the eTwinning space.
    There was also an activity in the project where their collaboration was very important , the activity related to the cruisine and we  animated them to share it with their children.

    The coordinator Mrs Gemma Gutierrez is explaining to the Erasmus+ students´parents the project "Diacover and share your identity mark"


    Slides of presentation of the project 


    Video of PowerPoint of the presentation of the project to the parents

    Questionaire assessment 


    We didn't give parents any consent, because we hadn't decided which group of students would travel to Greece. We explained to parents that the choice would take place in November 2019 .
    The training of eTwinning  was an explanation where the platform was and how they could find all the activities in the platform.


    3rd Junior High School of Katerini

    3rdOctober 2018

    Meeting with the parents whose children will participate in the project (P52 / minutes)

             The parents’ meeting took place on the 3rd of October in the evening and included briefing about the project. That is to say, the identity of the project, its duration, the schedule of activities, the parents’ contribution, the students’ visit to Spain as well as the coming of the Spanish students. Along with this briefing, came a new set of problems. Although all parents agreed on their children’s participation in the project, some of them doubted on whether they are going to allow their children to visit Spain and put up the Spanish students. Their concern was if he hospitality they are going to offer will be satisfactory and if their children will be safe in Spain. At the end of the discourse, more parents were convinced to give their permission. The details of the project were clarified to a satisfactory level.

    P52 (Meeting with the parents).docx


  • Sharing the project with parents

    Parents also participate in our project

    We have explained the parents what the project is about and we also have explained the diferent activities we will carry out so that they could take part. They will have a leading role in the cruisine activity.

  • In which activity will parents participate?
    a )they will not participate
    0 votes (0%)
    b) they are parents no students
    0 votes (0%)
    c) they will participate in sports
    0 votes (0%)
    d) they will participate in the cruisine
    5 votes (100.00%)