1 The book in front of your eyes / Das Buch vorm Auge

  • 1 The book in front of your eyes / Das Buch vorm Auge

    Ich kann das nicht in einem Schuhkarton darstellen, aber ich verwende das, was die Profis getan haben. Die Theateraufführung "Der Besuch der alten Dame" mit den bekannten polnischen Schauspielern Krystyna Janda und Jerzy Stuhr in der Hauptrolle aus dem Jahr 2002 begeistert mich bei jedem weiteren Schauen mehr und mehr. Jedes Mal entdecke ich die nächsten weisen Worte des Autors dieser Tragikomödie F. Dürrenmatt und ihren logischen Zusammenhang und komme zu dem Schluss, dass es in diesem Stück kein einziges unnötiges und zufälliges Wort gibt. Jedes spielt eine bestimmte Rolle und zwingt den Leser oder Hörer zum Nachdenken, macht aber dabei auch Spaß. Das liegt ebenfalls an der tollen Schauspielerei. Deshalb empfehle ich diese Inszenierung, obwohl sie auf Polnisch ist.


    Bożena Cudak - 30.06.2021 @ 07:21

    Hi, I made a fantasy themed lantern which refers to the German book "Tintenherz" by Cornelia Funke (eng.: Inkheart). It's the first book of a trilogy in which Meggie, the protagonist, is able to dive into a book's world and to let the characters and creatures come to life, when she reads the lines out loud. The book series is very gripping, so be welcome to check it out :D

    Paula Rommersbach - 07.03.2022 @ 20:48


    your work is also astonishing!! It's setting a magical, fairy-tale mood🧚🧚

    You made me curious to read this book, it sounds really good!

    Rebecca Fava - 20.06.2022 @ 22:14



    I love reading the Harry Potter series from J.K. Rowling and wanted to bring a little magic into our world. So I made a Fake Book out of cardboard with space for a small diorama to showcase the Ollivanders shop from Harry Potter and the philosopher stone. I started by cutting the stones of the street out of styrofoam and the window frames out of thinner cardboard.

    After taping and supergluing everything together I started assembling all parts and thought about how I was going to paint everything.

    The first part I painted was the street, but shortly after I finished painting it I realised it was missing something and glued fake moss on it. I repeated the same thing with each part of the diorama and painted the cover of the book.

    After adding many details and shading to the diorama and the book I finished it by gluing the matching book page of the Harry Potter book, where Harry receives his wand on the other side of the book.

    This is the final result:

    I hope I brought a little magic to you and you have a good day

    Mathilda Wesche - 13.05.2022 @ 08:22


    I'm a Harry Potter fan as well and I have to say that you work is AMAZING!

    You must have put in a lot of work, it's absolutely gorgeous and magical! You've actually inspired me, I'm already thinking about which book should I choose to do the same :)).

    Rebecca Fava - 20.06.2022 @ 22:02