Zivilisationsfortschritt um jeden Preis?/ Progress in civilization at any cost?

  • "Man glaubt an Dinge, weil man konditioniert wurde, an sie zu glauben.“ (“Schöne neue Welt” von Aldous Huxley) 

    Überschattet der Fortschrittskult die Grenzen der Menschlichkeit nicht? Kann das zur Entmenschlichung führen?

    Bożena Cudak - 05.01.2021 @ 11:42

    “One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” (Brave New World, Aldous Huxley)

    Does the cult of progress overshadow the limits of humanity? Could that lead to dehumanization?

    MAGDALENA NORTON - 11.01.2021 @ 09:49

    Hier könnt ihr unseren Artikel zum Thema lesen. Was denkt ihr?! 

    Elena Fraudatario - 14.02.2021 @ 10:05

    Here's our article about our theme. What do you think of it? :)

    Giada Piccinini - 14.02.2021 @ 15:39

    Surrogate of happiness
    by Elena Fraudatario, LSP Assisi/Italy

    The cult of progress is the main cause of the dehumanization that is pushing forward and it has by now overcome the limits of humanity.

    Technological discoveries, the result of the intelligence of those who constantly dedicate themselves to scientific research, are admirable and useful to solve serious problems… but for what? Science has effects (mostly negative) on humanity. So many characteristics of “Brave New World” already concern us directly; perhaps the only things that haven’t been developed yet are the cloning system and the hypnopaedic one (although possibly someone is already working on that), but flying taxies already exist in developed Countries. Furthermore we are not always happy and we often feel lonely, it is true, but so many people in Our World take antidepressants (equivalents of “soma”) to feel “better”.

    The dissatisfaction is a consequence of the algorithm, that demands us to be more efficient every day;still, since we are humans and not robots, we don’t always manage to satisfy the expectations, consequently we feel like we’re not enough. “Community and identity” often sound like an oxymoron: we can’t know and be ourselves at the same time, because if we were by nature "weaker" than the average, we would be a problem for the community. We’re still in time to learn to appreciate ourselves the way we are or additionally to improve, if we wish to, in order to reach an inner

    balance that will influence our relations with others: here’s the stability, which we can’t reach with the progress but thanks to ourselves who learn to accept – and so to handle in a better way – even our negative emotions. In the new world there are no ills that hurt us, just like hunger, poverty, physical violence and wars… thus if we lived in a future similar to this, we would have no reasons to feel miserable, even though no one would remember the pain that these issues used to induce us, and anybody wouldn’t know the prominence of their absence. Peace, equality and health only can be reached with awareness and without conditioning. There will always be injustice and irrationality… but we mustn’t deceive ourselves that a super-organized world – but with no values – could save us.

    We can’t keep on sustaining progress at any costs: it takes away empathy, virtue and culture, the charm of life that crumbles before our eyes, like the elegance of a landscape, theability to love and to be human.

    Drawing by Elena Fraudatario, LSP Assisi/Italy
    Translated to English by Giada Piccinini, LSP Assisi/Italy


    Ich habe euren Artikel nun gelesen und es hat mir sehr gefallen! Es handelt sich um sehr spannende und wichtige Themen. Ich habe mir über solche Themen noch nie Gedanken gemacht, aber jetzt zeigte das mir, dass wir wirklich so eine Welt in der Zukunft haben könnten. Mit der Entwicklung der Technologie und der Wissenschaft können wir immer mehr Dinge kontrollieren, so wie geschrieben wurde, auch unsere Gefühle. Das ist sehr interessant, aber gleichzeitig kann es auch beängstigend sein. In der heutigen Welt ist es nicht akzeptabel, wenn wir einen schlechten Tag haben. Wir müssen immer, jeden Tag eine hohe Leistung aufweisen, besonders auf dem Arbeitsplatz. Das ist schon nicht mehr gesund, wenn jemand immer eine schlechte Laune hat, aber manchmal müssen wir das akzeptieren. Meiner Meinung nach sehen viele Menschen das nicht so, und das kann viele Konflikte und Probleme verursachen.

    Borbála Balogh - 29.03.2021 @ 15:10

    Hi, I loved the article!

    The world is evolving too fast and not everyone can keep up with the changes. Everyone compares themselves with other people and they can’t just focus on themselves. We are not always happy and we feel, that nobody is there with us, but the antidepressants do not work all the time. My favourite sentence from the article is that we are humans and not robots. Robots haven’t got any feelings; they are only mechanically perfect things for making our lives easier. We will never become robots and they will never be humans. We can get tired and feel lonely, but robots just exist. The fact that peace, equality and health can only be reached by awareness and without conditioning is totally true. In a perfect world everybody is happy and people have no problems, but then everyone would think the same about most questions. How can we create this new and easy world?

    Dóra Andrea Tófalvi - 29.03.2021 @ 20:34

    Hallo Borbála! Ich bin froh, dass du über diese Themen nachgedacht hast. Ich stimme dem zu, was sie geschrieben hast. Ich glaube, es positiv ist, dass sich viele von uns immer noch sehr für Gefühle und menschliche Beziehungen interessieren. Ein Freund sagte mir eines Tages, dass "Empathie die Welt retten wird" :)

    Elena Fraudatario - 15.05.2021 @ 08:53

    Hi Dóra! I hope in what you said, the fact that we will never become robots...Objectively it is true, as long as we are of flesh and blood and they of metal haha, but I hope that we will be able to take the situation in hand from a human point of view. Going on like this, I believe that it will be very difficult for us of the new generations to evolve (fixing what has been ruined and creating the new without ruining anything else), but I see that some of us are already taking steps forward. For now, I think it is already a great thing to think and love, to live better :)

    Elena Fraudatario - 15.05.2021 @ 09:05

    Hi, I am a part of the Bulgarian team. I find this article very interesting and well-written

    Elena Zhecheva - 01.06.2021 @ 11:18