Erwartungen der Schüler/ Student expectations

  • "Ich habe gehӧrt, dass Erasmus+ eine Entwicklungserfahrung ist, die mir die Tür in die Zukunft öffnen kann. Meiner Meinung nach ist dies eine der wenigen Gelegenheiten, in einem Team mit Menschen aus anderen Ländern und Kulturen zu arbeiten, die man in einem so jungen Alter haben kann. Es wird sicherlich ein unglaubliches wunderbares tolles Abenteuer sein, an das ich mich noch lange erinnern werde."

    Aleksandra Jakubek VIII LO Kraków, Polen

    For everyone of us the world is different. The amount of experience, culture or language which we speak in, makes the influence on how and what we think. When I think , at the moment many people different than me exist around the world - this is fascinating. Meeting new people who are not the same as me and discovering their way of thinking-this is what I expect from “Erasmus+”.

    Franciszek Targosz, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    I would like to improve my language skills in practice, meet people, customs in other European countries and, of course, show what our unique Polish identity is. I also want to strengthen social ties both on an international scale and in the area of our high school. A valuable skill will be learning how to operate on the Internet platforms used in the project, because as you know, especially nowadays, IT issues are becoming the basis of our everyday functioning. I also hope that thanks to my involvement in the project, my passion for literature will develop even more and that I will get to know more works that are worth looking at.

    Amelia Murowana, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

  • Was erwarte ich vom Erasmus+/eTwinning Projekt? What I expect from the Erasmus+/eTwinning project?

    Spaß und Gewinn aus der Projektarbeit

    Vom Erasmus+ erwarte ich, dass ich Spaß mit den nützlichen Aufgaben kombinieren und neue Freundschaften schließen kann.
    Zofia Data, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Cross-cultural work

    I want to get to know many people from other cultures; their lifestyle, their opinions… I would like to know more and more about our world and people who live there. I am so curious and I can’t wait for a cross-cultural work!

    Aleksandra Mikoś, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    International cooperation

    I would like to test and improve my language skills, immerse myself in a new culture and by doing so form many international friendships. Meet people who share my passions and people with completely different opinions — discover what makes us unique and what brings us together.

    Karolina Mikołajczyk, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Kultur der Ausländer kennen zu lernen

    Ich interessiere mich für Kultuten der anderen Länder und Religionen, die die Menschen in verschiedenen Länder bekennen und darum hoffe ich, dass ich in Erasmus+ eine Möglichkeit haben werde, diese Traditionen und Gewohnheiten der anderen Menschen kennen zu lernen.

    Kaja Wojtal, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Kultur und Bücher

    Ich hoffe, dass Erasmus+ mein Wissen über verschiedene Kulturen erweitern wird. Ich möchte auch Bücher lesen, die von meinen Freunden aus verschiedenen Ländern empfohlen wurden.

    Julia Garlacz, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Interkulturelle Freundschaften und Eindrücke

    Von Erasmus erwarte ich die Möglichkeiten zu haben neue Menschen mit ähnlichen Erwartungen und deren Kulturen besser kennenzulernen, neue Freundschaften zu schließen und Neue Eindrücke zu gewinnen.

    Laima Franke, Buxtehude, Deutschland

    Entwicklung und Bücher

    Ich erwarte von Erasmus+, dass ich viele Gelegenheiten habe, sich persönlich zu entwickeln und die Sprechkenntnisse zu verbessern und zu vertiefen. Ich hoffe, dass ich den Anlass habe, neue Bücher zu lesen.
    Kalina Grelowska,
    VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    My expectations

    During the project I would like to expand my literary knowledge, get to know many wonderful people, their cultures and traditions, and visit beautiful places they live in.

    Julia Gałązka, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Good times

    I wan't to make my high school memorable.
    By participating in this project I'll be able to get to know other pople, get closer to their culture and share views and opinions. I hope to meet people who would share my interests or maybe show me something new!

    Julia Suchecka, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Meine Erwartungen

    Ich hoffe, dass das Projekt es mir nicht nur ermöglicht mein Wissen über Kulturen aus der ganzen Welt zu erweitern, sondern vor allem, sie zu verstehen. Ich etwarte auch vom Erasmus, dass ich meine Sprachkenntisse in der Praxis übe. Ich hoffe auch, unvergessliche Momente mit neuen Freunden zu erleben.
    Zofia Ekielska
    VIII LO Krakau

    Learning by traveling

    I hope that this project will allow me to learn a lot, also in the field of foreign languages, meet new people, and see the world. It would enable me to develop my interests, engage in something bigger, broaden my horizons and open myself to other people.

    Emilia Ferdek, VIII LO
    Kraków, Poland

    Great experience

    I would like to be fluent in English and work well in a group. I hope to meet new friends. The project will also help me get to know other cultures. But most of all, I hope that it will be a great experience for me, that I will remember for a long time.

    Anna Kędra,
    VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Great Discussion

    I hope that an Erasmus+ project improve my communication skills. During project I'd like to discuss about important problems for the modern world with my peers. I wonder their opinions. It would be great if we find some solutions of problems, which we identify around us. Of course, I want to meet different and interesting people around the world and learn about their traditions and habits, too.
    Bartosz Kroh,
    VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Neue Kulturen kennen lernen und Fremdsprachen verbessern

    Ich erwarte vom Erasmus+, dass ich nicht nur neue Kulturen aus vielen Länder kennen lerne, sondern auch meine Fremdsprachenkenntnisse verbessere. Es ist sehr wichtig für mich, dass ich andere Leute gut verstehe, deswegen will ich Fremdsprachen lernen.
    Damian Papadopoulos
    VIII LO, Kraków, Poland

    Meeting with the unknown

    How to understand the world of people by looking at it with only one pair of eyes?During the project I would like to meet people who see the world from a different perspective than mine, which will help me to understand today's complex world.

    Franek Targosz,VIII LO

    Verbesserung der deutschen Sprache

    Von Erasmus+ erwarte ich, dass ich meine dutchsche Sprache verbessere und in der Praxis anwende. Ich hoffe, dass ich interessante, lesenwerte Bücher kennenlernen kann.
    Olga Duchnik, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Learning by travelling

    During the project I would like to expand my knowledge, get to know other cultures and traditions. I also hope to make interesting international friendships. I'm looking forward to experience this amazing adventure which is the Erasmus+ project!

    Natalia Chwaja, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Italian pizza

    I expect from the Erasmus+ project to expand my language skills, get to know other people's live, make new friends, open the door to the future and try real Italian pizza, because I love pizza!
    Jakub Tyrpa, VIII LO, Kraków, Poland

    Neue Menschen und neue Kulturen

    Wie alle anderen erwarte ich auch vom Erasmus-Projekt, dass ich meine Gleichaltrigen aus anderen Ländern und deren Kultur kennenlerne. Ich möchte auch meine Fähigkeiten in Fremdsprachen entwickeln. Vor allem aber hoffe ich, dass alles in einer netten Stimmung sein wird.

    Ignacy Zdziech, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Being open-minded

    During this project I want to get to know other peoples' taste in books, films and art. In my opinion everybody has their own preferences and for each individual person it is unique. By meeting new people and trying to see from their point of view I will become more open-minded.
    Magdalena Kaim, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Gute Unterhltung

    Von Erasmus erwarte ich viele glückliche Momente. Ich hoffe, Zeit in Erasmus wird sehr schön.
    Hanna Kulczyńska VIII LO Kraków, Polska

    Die Entwicklung von Interesse

    Ich reise, treffe neue Leute und lerne Fremdsprachen gern. Ich hoffe, dass das Projekt mir helfen wird, meine Interessen auf spannende und angenehme Weise zu entwickeln.
    Oliwia Gruchała, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Neue Leute und Verbesserung der Sprachkenntnisse

    Ich erwarte von Erasmus+, dass ich meine Sprachkenntnisse durch den Einsatz von Fremdsprachen in der Praxis verbessern kann. Außerdem hoffe ich, dass ich neue Menschen kennenlernen und Freundschaften schließen kann.

    Oliwia Jarra, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Gaining experience and learning about people

    While working in the project I’d really like to meet new people and get to know the realities they live in. It could be exciting to have a discussion about the worldviews in foreign language. I’m also looking forward to improving my English skills as also to learning about interesting books, which can acquire knowledge.
    Gabriela Jasinkiewicz,
    VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Wonderful memories and great experience

    I hope I will improve my language skills and I will learn something new about the culture of other countries during this project. I would like to get to know other people and stay in touch with them after our project. It can be an unforgettable experience!

    Zuzanna Szwast, VIII LO
    Kraków, Poland

    New interests and knowledge

    I expect that in the Erasmus + I will meet new interesting people and discover new cultures. I want to improve my English and German and check it through real, everyday sytuations. I also hope that projcet will allow me to know new books, maybe new author.

    Marta Kalisz, VIII LO
    Kraków, Poland

    Leute und Kultur

    Durch die Teilnahme am Erasmus + Projekt habe ich die Möglichkeit, neue Menschen, Kulturen und Bräuche kennenzulernen. Filme und Unterricht geben nie so viele Informationen wie eine Gruppe von Freunden, die andere Nationalitäten vertreten.

    Laura Gardynik, VIII LO, Kraków, Poland

    The key to the future

    During the Erasmus+ I can train my language and make interesting international friendships. I think that the project will be a fantastic adventure and an investment in my future career:))

    Rebecca Fava, VIII LO
    Kraków, Poland

    broadening horizons

    I want to break my language barrier, make friends with people of different cultures and because of this, broaden my horizons. I will gain motivation to read, which sometimes I have a problems with.
    Martyna Wnęczak, VIII LO Kraków, Poland

    Internationale Kontakte

    Von Erasmus+ erhoffe ich mir Spaß am gemeinsamen Arbeiten an einem internationalen Projekt. Außerdem hoffe ich, dass wir alle neue Menschen aus anderen Ländern kennenlernen und Freundschaften schließen.

    Lucía Groß Molina
    HPS Buxtehude

    Interkultureller Austausch

    Von Erasmus+ erhoffe ich mir neue Leute und deren Kultur kennenzulernen. Es wäre schön viele neue Sachen zu erleben und am Ende neue Eindrücke gewonnen zu haben.

    Insa von Rönn,

    Spaß und Interkulturellen Austausch

    Ich hoffe durch das Erasmus Projekt viele neue Menschen kennenzulernen und neue Freundschaften zu schließen. Ich glaube wir werden Online und in Person viel Spaß zusammen haben und auch viel voneinander, übereinander und unsere verschiedenen Kulturen und Sitten lernen.
    Lily Runchman,


    I'd like to improve myself in different areas, mainly in socializing and communication. I also want to improve my teamwork ability and get to know other cultures and understand them better.
    Lastly, I want to make some new friends and get to know very many different personalities.

    Emily Triller, HPS Buxtehude, Deutschland

    enriching experiences

    that's what I am hoping for the most;
    I really hope I can improve my people skills and further train my English skills (while trying not to forget all of German). I am planning to study abroad and even stay there in the future, so this project is promised to be a great opportunity for me to meet people and broaden myhorizon even further through discussions and exchange with and between the cultures.

    Alina Engel, HPS Buxtehude, GER

    My expects

    During the project I want to meet new friend and improve my language skilles. Furthermore the project will help me to learn new culters and work well in groups.

    Isha Sahani
    Halepaghen Schule

    Neue Kulturen

    Vom Erasmus Projekt erwarte ich neue Menschen und Kulturen kennen zu lernen. Außerdem möchte ich mein Englisch verbessern.

    Ann-Kathrin Steffens Halepaghen Schule, Buxtehude, Deutschland

    Neue Erfahrungen

    Ich möchte mich mit Erasmus+ im sprachlichen Bereich verbessern und neue Leute kennenlernen. Ich freue mich auch sehr auf das Reisen in andere Länder und in andere Kulturen reinzuschnuppern. Ich bin auch gespannt darauf in einer Gastfamilie zu leben, denn das hab ich noch nie ausprobiert. Ich bin mir sicher, dass alle viele neue Erfahrungen sammeln werden und Spaß haben.

    Hanna Stemmer
    Halepaghen-Schule, Buxthehude

    Meine Erwartungen an Erasmus

    Von dem Erasmus Projekt erhoffe ich mir neue Menschen aus fremden Kulturen kennen zu lernen und andere Kulturen neu zu endecken. Vielleicht kann ich auch noch mein English verbessern, was mich sehr freuen würde.

    Finja Brehmer, GER, Halepaghen-Schule

    Neue Menschen und Länder kennenlernen

    Ich erhoffe mir, dass mir das Erasmus+ Projekt die Möglichkeit gibt, neue Länder und Leute kennenzulernen und auch von diesen zu lernen. Außerdem wünsche ich mir, dass es mir Spaß macht und ich vllt. noch neue Freunde finde.
    Morten Ebel,
    Buxtehude, Deutschland

    Cultural-knowlege & Communication

    I'm looking forward to improve my Communication skill, because in person I can still get a little shy and my english then starts to suffer from it. I also want to expierience as much culture as possible and meet a lot of people.

    Mathilda Wesche,
    Buxtheude, Germany

    Learning skills

    I believe that this project will teach us some important intercultural skills. Working in and as a team, communicating in a correct and respectful way and building relationships.
    This project is living from tolerance and companionship, this encouraged me to participate in it and become a part of this wonderful community.
    Let's have an unforgettable journey together!
    Erika Dollinger, Germany

    interkulturelle weiterbildung und Freundschaften

    Von Erasmus+ erwarte ich neue Erfahrungen zu sammeln, neue Orte zu besuchen und verschiedene Menschen und ihre kulturen kennen zu lernen und mich eventuell mit ihnen anzufreunden.

    Hana Trena

    Freundschaften und neue Erfahrungen

    Von Erasmus+ erhoffe ich mir, neue Freundschaften zu schließen und schöne Erfahrungen mit Leuten aus anderen Ländern zu sammeln, und mehr über deren Interessen und Kulturen zu erfahren.
    Fiona Seeba

    My expectations

    I want to meet new people and learn about their cultures and viewpoints. I also hope that I will make great memories.

    Karolina Pałka, VIII LO
    Kraków, Poland

    Meine Erwartungen...

    Drei Sachen erwarte ich von diesem Projekt:
    Die Welt um mich herum besser kennen zu lernen
    Kontakt zu anderen Kulturen finden
    Neue Freunde finden
    Aber ich will mich auch überraschen lassen!!
    Federico Tardocchi, LSP Assisi, Italien

    Neben der Reise auch lernen

    Von Erasmus+ erwarte ich, dass ich neben den interessanten Projekten neue Freunde kennen lernen kann. Ich möchte auch meine Fähigkeiten in Fremdsprachen entwickeln und mehr über die Kultur der Ausländer lernen. Tófalvi Dóra, Ungarn

    my expectations

    I expect to meet new people and make some new friends. I also expect to improve my abilities confronting with new cultures and multiple point of views. I'm so excited about this project, it will be unforgettable!
    Rim Farisse, LSP, Assisi/Italy

    My expectations

    During this project I am looking forward to improve my communication skills and my knowledge in English. I want to get to know different cultures and traditions by traveling and meeting new people from other countries.I am also planning to live abroad in the future so it could be an amazing opportunity to get some experience for that.Last but not least I would also like to make friends and keep in touch with them even after our project ends.

    Molnár Eszter

    My expectations

    I'm looking forward to meet new people during this project. I would like to learn about their cultures, and opinions. Furthermore, I want to improve my teamwork ability and my language skills. I hope this project will be memorable, and a great experience for me.

    Kleineizl Nikolett
    Budapest, Hungary

    Kultur, Sprache, Freundschaften

    Ich glaube, dass es in der heutigen Welt sehr wichtig ist, andere Kulturen kennenzulernen. Wir müssen offen sein, weil ohne Offenheit können wir nicht zusammenarbeiten. Ich möchte meine Sprache auch entwickeln. Aber die wichtigste Erwartung ist neue Kontakte zu suchen und auch zu behalten
    Das erwartete ich vom Erasmus+.

    Bálint Klein, DNG Budapest, Ungarn

    Spaß und Wissen

    Ich möchte Spaß haben, andere Kulturen kennenlernen und mein Wissen erweitern.
    Ich hoffe, dieses Projekt hilft mir beim Deutschlernen.

    Weronika Chmiela, VIII LO Kraków, Polska

    Freundschaften schließen und die Kultur anderer Länder kennen zu lernen

    Von Erasmus+ erwarte ich, dass ich viele neue Freundschaften schließe und die Kultur anderen Länder kennenlerne. Ich möchte mich bei der Gruppenarbeit entwickeln. Ich lese nicht so gern Bücher hoffentlich wird sich das bald ändern.

    Anna Kindlinger,
    Budapest, Ungarn

    Meine Erwartungen

    Vom Erasmus+ erwarte ich, dass ich meine Kenntnisse erweitern und neue Freundschaften schließen kann. Ich möchte die Kultur eines Landes besser kennenlernen und an den Projekten aktiv teilnehmen.

    Dorka Rózsahegyi, Ungarn.

    Broaden horizons

    New people, new commands, new views, new ideas and new chances.
    With that I associate my future work in Erasmus+. I would like to know as much as possible about people who live so far and take all benefits from this integration.
    Viktoria Volovenko, VIII lo Kraków Poland

    Neue Kulturen, Menschen kennenlernen, Fremdsprachen entwickeln

    Von Erasmus+ erwarte ich, dass ich viele neue Freundschaften schließen kann. Ich mag reisen, neue Kulturen kennenlernen. Daneben möchte ich auch meine Sprachkenntnisse entwickeln, meine Teamfähigkeit verbessern und viel über unsere Welt lernen.

    Livia Kremers, DNG
    Budapest, Ungarn

    Meine Erwartungen

    Vom Erasmus+ erwarte ich, dass ich neue Frendschaften schließe. Ich möchte auf jeden Fall meine Kenntnisse verbessern und die Kultur eines Landes besser kennenlernen und an den Projekten aktiv teilnehmen.

    Kristóf Töreki, DNG Budapest,Ungarn

    Meine Erwartungen

    Vom Erasmus+ erwarte ich,dass ich meine Sprachkenntnis verbreiten kann.Ich möchte neue Frendschaften schließen.Ich liebe die Gruppenarbeit aber ich möchte noch meine Teamfähigkeit entwickeln. Ich lese nicht so gerne Bücher,hoffentlich wird es sich bald ändern.

    Kristóf Patrik Kerekes
    Budapest, Ungarn

    Was erwarte ich vom Erasmus?

    Ich möchte von diesem Projekt, dass ich meine Kenntnisse über die Welt erweitern kann. Natürlich möchte ich daneben so viele Freundschaften schließen wie möglich. Mit der Gruppenarbeit können wir die Teamfähigkeit auch verbessern und die verschiedene Sichtweise der anderen erkennen.

    Petra Katalin Tisza, DNG, Budapest, Ungarn

    Meine Sprachlichen Erwartungen

    Ich möchte meine deutschen und englischen Sprachkenntnisse erweitern und sehen. Wie ich mit den Sprachen im Alltagsleben umgehen und benutzen kann.
    Milan Fischer DNG
    Budapest Ungarn

    Neue Menschen, Kulturen kennen lernen

    Von Erasmus+ erwarte ich, dass ich neue Menschen kennenlernen, und neue Freundschaften schließen kann. Ich liebe reisen und ich möchte mich mit neuen Kulturen begegnen. Ich möchte auch meine Sprachkenntnisse und Teamfähigkeit verbessern.
    Eszter Jenei
    Budapest, Ungarn

    Feeding dreams..

    I expect this project will help me to understand who I am and what kind of person I would like to become in the future. I want to know people and make friends in order to share different points of view about life and common interests. I also want to make my dreams come true by learning about the world in general, cultures, and languages of course.
    I hope to have fun while valuing what is worth!
    Elena Fraudatario, LSP
    Assisi, Italy

    My expectations

    During this project I'd like to know new friends and learn as much as possible about their cultures, lifestyles and points of view. I expect to become even more open-minded than I already am and to visit amazing countries. Can't wait to start this project!
    Giulia Valente, LSP
    Assisi, Italy

    Exploring my possibilities

    During Erasmus, I want to increase the number of books I read every year, because I think it is very important to read; I expect to meet many different people and to make new friends, to get to know other cultures and to get to know new points of view. I expect this experience to be difficult but very interesting and also useful for my future, so I am very happy to participate in this project.

    my expectation

    I can't wait to start this project to improve my language skills, make new friends and learn about their culture. I'm sure this project will help me talk more and not be shy. I also can't wait to read lots of books, it'll be fun.
    Martina Zoccheddu, LSP, Assisi, Italy

    Discover my passions

    I hope this project helps me to find out my passions and what I want to do in my life. I want to meet new people, travel, discover new cultures and why not, also improve my German. I'm sure I will learn a whole new way to do things.
    Pietro Morosi, LSP,
    Assisi, Italy

    Interessante Erwartungen

    Mich mit neuen Menschen zu treffen und ins Ausland zu reisen finde ich ein wichtiges Ziel dieses Projekts. Ich hoffe, dass ich am Ende des Projekts mit fremden Menschen leichter und erfolgsamer zusammenarbeiten kann.
    Balogh Borbála,DNG,Ungarn

    Internationale Zusammenarbeit

    Von Erasmus+ erhoffe ich mir einen interessanten Austausch verschiedener Kulturen und Menschen und das Schließen neuer Freundschaften.
    Außerdem freue ich mich auf das Zusammenarbeiten und Erstellen der internationalen Projekte.

    My expectations

    I would like to get to know other people from different countries, learn about their cultures and outlook on the world. As well I‘d like to discuss the books we read together, that would be fun. In general, I think that Erasmus+ is a once in a lifetime experience that you shouldn’t miss.
    Emily Reid, Halepaghenschule, Buxtehude

    My expectations on the project

    Through Erasmus I'd like to get to know the cultures of other countries, learn new words, improve my German, meet new people and explore places I've never seen before.I'm pretty sure this experience will always have a special place in my heart.
    Giada Masi LSP , Assisi, Italy

    My expectations

    I think this project would be an important experience for me because i've always wanted to talk and work with other people that comes from different countries. I expect to learn something about new cultures, improve my languages skills and also to make to friendships. I hope and dream to visit these countries because i love to travel and i've never been abroad; i believe they won't disappoint me. I'm curious to see which books you read and i can't wait to talk about this topic!
    A greeting from Italy!
    Anastasia Del Moro LSP , Assisi, Italy

    Teenegers like me

    With this project I wish to come across teenagers like me, to learn how they live, their culture, what they like and if we have similarities. I want to listen to their opinions about many concepts and I want to make friends who I can talk to even after the end of this project. Also I wish to expand my knowledge about the different places that I'll visit.
    Safaa Sabi, LSP, Assisi, Italy

    My expectations

    I would really like to improve my English and German,and strenghten my informatic skills,which are very important,especially in this period. I have always loved new cultures,and I'm looking forward to meeting new people and costumes. I'm also very proud of my culture and I want you all to know and love that too!

    A good attempt to change the world

    I hope this experience would help me to meet a lot of new people and cultures. We have to be confident with ourselves and believe in this work. Together we'll make a better world if we work constantly and efficiently. I believe that this experience will be useful to achieve a lot of things and give me a vision of what I will do in the future.
    Francesco Ricci, LSP, Assisi, Italy

    My expectations

    From the Erasmus project I expect to improve my English and German language, do beautiful and interesting activities, make new friends and have new experiences together with my classmates.
    Maria Grazia Hodinet, LSP, Assisi, Italy

    My expectations

    From this project I expect to learn new things, and to get to know new people, I expect to believe in myself and to be able to make a valuable contribution. The world is full of opportunities and I want to learn from them. I would like to help people someday, and I think this is a great start, here I can improve my language skills, I can talk about my beloved books,I can give my contribution and maybe even leave a mark and I’m grateful for this. I also hope to make new friends! :)
    Flavia Hoxholli, LSP, Assisi, Italy

    Wonderful Experience

    I'm very excited about this project, because I think it would be interesting and fun to come in contact with other cultures and people. I would like to make new friends and have fun with my international classmates.
    Erasmus+ will also be very useful for my languages skills, but the thing that I like most is the opportunity to travel, I've only been once abroad and I want to feel again those wonderful feelings.
    Antonio Bravi, LSP Assisi.

    My Expectations ;)

    From the Erasmus + project, I expect to consolidate and improve my German. I would like to know new people and find new friends. I find that this will allow me to greatly enrich my person and broaden my views. I would like to discover new cultures and merging them with mine, new customs and ways of living and merging them with mine in order not to live once, but a hundred all together. From a trip you always return with a “heavier” baggage than the one you started with.
    So I can't wait for it!
    Martina Serena, LSP
    Assisi, Italy

    My Expectations

    From this project I expect first of all to have fun, I would like to meet different people from different countries. Make friends, discuss, see the differences but also the things we have in common.
    Besides the usual things a person expects from an Erasmus, I would like to learn from them, their way of life, their music. This is the Erasmus I expected.

    I don't know if it will be possible but I will bring a guitar with me to the Erasmus.

    Alessio Migliosi, LSP

    My expectations

    Since I was little I wanted to be a part of an intercultural project, and I can't believe I'm actually living the dream I've always had.
    I want to meet new people from various places and to improve my skill in communicating with people. I hope I will get to make new friends and know more about their lifestyles and cultures. I can't wait for this experience to begin!!

    Giada Piccinini, LSP
    Assisi, Italy

    Different points of view

    From this project I expect to meet new friends, learn about other cultures and increase my knowledge. I've always had the wish to get in touch with peers from different countries and understand our qualities and flaws, but especially to see our habits from different point of views
    Agnese Corradini, LSP, Assisi, Italy

    My expetation

    During this project I would make new friends and know how is their culture, improve my language skills and live every single moment. I'm sure that this experience would help me to control my emotions and socialize more than I already do. I can't wait to live this wonderful experience!
    Giulia Ferrara, LSP,
    Assisi, Italy