"Ich habe gehӧrt, dass Erasmus+ eine Entwicklungserfahrung ist, die mir die Tür in die Zukunft öffnen kann. Meiner Meinung nach ist dies eine der wenigen Gelegenheiten, in einem Team mit Menschen aus anderen Ländern und Kulturen zu arbeiten, die man in einem so jungen Alter haben kann. Es wird sicherlich ein unglaubliches wunderbares tolles Abenteuer sein, an das ich mich noch lange erinnern werde."
Aleksandra Jakubek VIII LO Kraków, Polen
For everyone of us the world is different. The amount of experience, culture or language which we speak in, makes the influence on how and what we think. When I think , at the moment many people different than me exist around the world - this is fascinating. Meeting new people who are not the same as me and discovering their way of thinking-this is what I expect from “Erasmus+”.
Franciszek Targosz, VIII LO Kraków, Poland
I would like to improve my language skills in practice, meet people, customs in other European countries and, of course, show what our unique Polish identity is. I also want to strengthen social ties both on an international scale and in the area of our high school. A valuable skill will be learning how to operate on the Internet platforms used in the project, because as you know, especially nowadays, IT issues are becoming the basis of our everyday functioning. I also hope that thanks to my involvement in the project, my passion for literature will develop even more and that I will get to know more works that are worth looking at.
Amelia Murowana, VIII LO Kraków, Poland