Mazeikiu Ventos progimnazija


    Mazeikiai Ventos progymnasium


    Mazeikiai Ventos progymnasium is a unique educational institution in the region because of  the largest number of students - 988 and being the only pro gymnasium. Our  pupils are aged from 5to 15.There is one pre-school class, 14 primary classes and 22 lower secondary classes. More than60 teachers of different subjects as well as two social pedagogues, a speechtherapist and three teachers' assistants work at our school. There are about 70 students on special need register, some with learning difficulties, so they are provided with special care and specific classes. There are a lot of facilities for pupils, such as a library, two reading halls, lots of classrooms, a huge canteen, a swimming pool, a stadium, a modern gym, an outdoor class, and a playground. What concerns academic achievements, school authorities together with the staff pay attention to the development of each child's personal skills, help to reveal their talents or cope with learning difficulties, implementing practice gained in other countries during international projects. Therefore the results of National standardized tests are higher than average in comparison with the National level. The school is proud of having very little cases of pupils' misbehavior or bullying and is well known and appreciated within the local community, because of pupils' academic achievements, sports and dance competitions as well as a positive school environment and project work. The community is constantly learning, open to novelties , nurturing traditions  and ethno culture. It is the place where the staff and learners cooperate and communicate to achieve the best results.  Last year the school won a special prize as the most civic school in Lithuania.

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