Primary class teacher Karolis Januška
Mazeikai VENTOS progymnasium, Lithuania
TOPIC : Young reserchers
Subject : Science /ICT/Technology
Length: 2 lessons
The aim
- Reserch the surroundings to find out the notion what the forest is
- Find out the students‘ previous experience about forests
- Learn the names of trees and their fruit
- Discover what animals and birds live in the woods
- Detect the ways how to protect nature, woods
- Collect acorns, leaves , pinecones, interesting branches, moss,etc. for further online research in class.
Impact on students
- Learn about woods and nature, speacial vocabulary realated to it
- Gain self confidence
- Use their previous experience to find necessary objects
- Learn about the ways to protect nature
- Learn to use mobile devices to get information
The steps of the lesson:
The teacher introduces the aims of the lesson.
Reminds how to use mobile phones and tablets.
The students are taken to the woods on a field trip.
- The students work in groups trying to take as much different pictures of trees, plants, mushrooms and birds,etc.
- The children discuss in pairs and try to find the information about their findings.
- The children take pictures of animals and reptiles, mushrooms.
Lesson 2
feedback and creating art
The aim
- to complete their research using ICT
- to broaden their knowledge about woods protection
- to compare and contrast pictures and discoveries
- to give feedback on the field trip and research
- to create art work depicting different trees
Impact on students
- learn from one another
- Boost their knowledge
- Improve communication skills
Methods and strategies used:
- Information technology and media applications
- Spontaneous educational pedagogy strategy
- Methods boosting curiosity and creativity
- Research based methods
- Methods enrosing critical thinking and analysis