The Neamt Citadel and the Memorial House from Humulești

  • Extracurricular activity: LEARNING HISTORY – STUDY VISIT

    Author: Anca Alice Jitaru, Școala Gimnazială „Constantin Parfene” Vaslui, ROMANIA

    Topic: The Neamt Citadel and the Memorial House from Humulești       

    Class level: 9-10 year-olds, third grade

    Short description (impact on students):

    The trip proved that free time can be spent in a useful and beautiful way, discovering the beauties of our country, admiring the touristic sights from Targu Neamt.

    The students were pleasantly impressed and discovered new information about the Neamt Citadel and the Humulești Memorial House, so they were able to create a Kahoot as a team.

    Time: one day

    Learning objectives:

    • knowing the past, present and future of our country;
    • accustoming students to organized observation and systematic scientific work;
    • training students to behave responsibly during the trip;
    • stimulating and educating the feeling of pride for belonging to the Romanian people;
    • developing feelings of love and appreciation for the country and the Romanian people.


    - preparation for the study visit

    - visiting touristic attractions, students will pay attention to the information received from the guide

    - students are guided to search and discover information about the touristic sights individually

    - split into groups of girls / boys to create a Kahoot
