„Das Buch ist die Axt für das gefrorene Meer in uns.“ Franz Kafka – Wie würde die Welt ohne Bücher aussehen?/ “The book is the ax for the frozen sea in us." Franz Kafka - What would a world without books look like?
Dagmar Wiegand - 07.02.2019 @ 17:47
That's our opinion about the imagination of a world without books.
What would the world look like without any books?
by Victoria Zawadil and Rebecca Fasching, BG-BRG Kufstein/Austria
We probably cannot imagine a world without books, but in order to write this article, Rebecca and I started to think about it.
It is quite clear that people would lose their imagination and could not train their creativity. Who does not know the experience of diving into an absolutely new world? I clearly remember my younger me reading Harry Potter and waiting for my letter, because somewhere was the belief that I was an unexplored witch.
Furthermore, reading books is an enjoyable way to broaden one’s horizon and therefore people who do not have access to books are illiterate. We both remember one test in German when we had to argue for or against violent video games. It was not very hard because we had read a book about this topic in which everything was explained, we just had to repeat these arguments… Another scenario we could imagine is that those humans, who live in a world without books, would search for dispersion in virtual games and possibly become addicted or that the development goes backwards, back to telling stories mouth to mouth. This would be a problem on that score because knowledge would then be irretrievably lost. Where would our society be without the documents of our former generations?
Reading is also a good way to increase your treasury of words. This can be very helpful for lingual subjects such as German, English etc.
From the emotional aspect, some very important feelings would be missing. For us some books mark special moments. If we read them again or just touch them, we will be taken back to these moments. Remember all the hours you spent lying on the beach reading an amazing story while letting the sun warm your body or the feeling of sitting in front of your chimney while it is raining outside with a hot cup of tea and enjoying the adventures of Pippi Langstrumpf. This will never happen to someone who has never read a book.
To summarize we could never live in a world without books; we just love reading too much and we think it is very important for both society and our own life!
Abbildung 1: Library Abbildung 2: World without books
Compare: http://magazine.trivago.de/literaturhotels-mit-bibliotheken [05.03.2019]
2Compare: https://mediengeschichte.dnb.de/DBSMZBN/Content/DE/Medienzukuenfte/11-dystopie-eine-welt-ohne-buecher.html [05.03.2019]
Rebecca Fasching - 19.03.2019 @ 17:26
Hello Victoria Zawadil and Rebecca Fasching!
I totally agree with your opinion. A world without any books would be terrible. I can’t mention anything, that develops our imagination more than books.
Video games are entirely something else. They can be fun in a different way. Books are not just fun, because while we are reading we do not only enjoy the story but also let our imagination soar and enrich our knowledge. Being addicted to video games is harmful, but being addicted to books can only be useful.
What kind of childhood would we have had, if our parents had not read us any fairy tales? What would we know about our history? Because most history is based on books and documents.
The world without books would be so much lesser. Like they say: “A room without books is like a body without a soul.”
Gréta Juhász - 30.05.2019 @ 17:12
For me it’s impossible to think of a world without any books, too. Especially for me as a student. I hold books for school in my hands almost everyday, although many are already using computers or tablets, I see a big advantage in books; they don’t need a charger. Furthermore, there are so many types of books and we use them everyday. Flipping through a recipe book, relaxing while reading a novel, looking something up for school, all this wouldn’t be possible. So for me a world without any books isn’t imaginable at all.
Greetings Lilly from Buxtehude
Lilly Paulmann - 04.06.2019 @ 16:24
Hey Victoria and Rebecca!
I totally agree with you! Books let us forget our world for a few minutes or hours. It would be horrible if we couldn’t escape our daily routine anymore. Books helped me so much with improving my English. We are able to learn so many interesting things from books. I mean, we would have lost so many memories fromthe Second World War if the book “The diary of Anne Frank” would not exist. Luckily we are living in a world with books.
Madeleine Roessler - 13.06.2019 @ 20:04
Hi Victoria and Rebbeca!
What would the world look like without any books? Honestly, I can’t imagine that. At home I have at least two thousand different titles. It’s because my mum is a bookworm or I should rather say THE bookworm. I really loved growing up with all those amazing stories and tales.
I still remember one of my first books I have ever read. It was „Tobi” by Timothée de Fombelle. It’s a beautiful story about family, adventures and totalitarian regime from a point of twelve-year-old boy. His name is Tobi, and he is being hunted by the police. It’s also a story about betrayal by the best friend and his first love to a girl named Elisha. I remember my tears and little laughs, while reading „Tobi” – the first book and part two – „Tobi. The eyes of Elisha”. I really recommend reading them one after another, because the first book leaves you with a cliff-hanger. Astonishing books have the power to take readers to another, completely different reality, and I can’t think of a world without them.
Dominika Gwóźdź - 16.06.2019 @ 19:30
Hi Rebbeca and Viktoria!
I really can't imagine the world without books. After all reading is a great pleasure and a way of spending time. Moreover, you can get to know new worlds, experience with characters their exciting adventures, make friends with different characters invented by writers? A book that is interesting and suited to our tastes will be a nice way to spend free time and a good medicine for boredom and depression. I really love reading books and I can't dream about my live without them.
Karolina Marona - 18.06.2019 @ 05:07
Liebste Lesefreunde,
zuerst möchte ich mich bei unserer Dagmar bedanken, dass sie sich, so viel Mühe gemacht hat. Sie hat meine Meinung definitiv gut vertreten:) und an alle anderen. Dominika danke ich ebenfalls, da sie diese gute Idee mit uns geteilt hat und uns zum Denken gebracht hat. Für uns Schüler ist das natürlich kaum denkbar, wir leben unter Büchern und nutzen sie ständig, auch in der Schule! Was macht Bücher sonst noch so besonders und unverzichtbar für uns? Gedruckte Bücher waren über Jahrhunderte lang die wichtigsten Quellen unseres Wissens und kamen bis heute zu uns an. Davor musste man sie mühsam mit der Hand abschreiben, jedoch trotzdem gab es schon früher ähnliches wie Schriften. Die erste und älteste Schule der Welt war in der heutigen Irak. Ich würde sie als die Schule der Superlativen bezeichnen. Warum? Schon vor 3000 Jahren vor Christi Geburt lebte ein Volk namens Sumerer dort. In Europa war damals noch Steinzeit!!! Sie gründeten ihre eigenen Städte und trieben Handel. Natürlich brauchte man dafür eine Schrift. Um diese Schrift zu lernen, gründeten sie die erste Schule und erfanden die erste Schrift der Erde. Die Schulkinder schreiben damals Fabeln auf wie zum Beispiele mein Liebling: Der kluge Wolf und die dummen Wölfe. Die neun Wölfe hatten zehn Schafe und konnten sie irgendwie nicht gerecht teilen, daher gingen sie zum weisen Wolf und baten ihn um Rat. Der kluge Wolf meinte:,,Ihr seid neun und bekommt gemeinsam ein Schaf, das macht zehn. Ich bin alleine und bekomme neun, macht ebenfalls zehn." :) Danke fürs Lesen! Nun habt ihr etwas Neues gelernt!
Liebste Grüße,
Melike Aksak
Melike Aksak - 11.07.2019 @ 20:12
Hi Rebecca and Victoria
We agree with your opinions because if there weren't any books we would have to find a different way to develop our vocabulary and language. We would have to tell everything to our children otherwise all the stories and fairy tales would be forgotten after some years for example stories about war and history. We would also have a problem with education because we couldn't learn from books anymore. If someone was interested in a special theme they would have to learn everything by themselves. If we wanted to travel to a different country, we could not get any information about it before because if we have books we can search for information about that country. It would also be difficult to try new recipes so we could only cook the meals that our parents cooked for us. Because of those things we are really happy to live in a world with books.
Yours Greta and Johanna
Greta Stenberg - 03.10.2019 @ 13:59