DIDACTICS for our project work

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    Dear partners,

    Here you can find various ideas and methods which we should apply during various stages of our project work to help us to coordinate and connect our schools.

    We planned to prepare didactic material for every action except for A6 and A9. Below you can find materials prepared by our team or by members of any partner school.

    A1 Project presentation 

    Spanish school (Miriam and Teresa) prepared a leaflet informing about the project (17 October 2017). Partner schools used various ways how to inform pupils and parents about the objectives of our project. Italian school informed all pupils about our project in their school TV news at the beginning of the school year 2017/18 here. It is a good idea to use multimedia.

    The Romanian partners made a presentation in the mother tongue for parents, students, and teachers and prepared an Erasmus corner with information related to the project that can be seen here

    A2 Here we are! 

    To get to know our partners and let others know more about our pupils, schools, and countries at the beginning of the project we prepared a logo contest and made a map decided to work with our pupils on Lipdub videos. Our teams talk about these ideas in emails, project meetings in Croatia, Spain, and during study visits in May. More materials on how schools can introduce themselves are on page Here we are! Who are my friends? 

    A3 Who are my friends? 

    More materials on how schools can introduce themselves are on page Here we are! Who are my friends? 

    A4 Our art calendar 

    Our Spanish coordinator prepared suggestions on how the art calendar can look like. During our project meeting in Zagreb the decision to use Google calendar for learning about our national holidays for taken. Czech partner informed about IT tools useful for creating an online calendar during the same meeting in November 2017. https://www.genial.ly/Panel/Inspirationwww.thinglink.comhttps://teamup.com/ks3pcfa4trk8osujdz), https://www.calendarlabs.com/photo-calendar/. Our model Art calendars are here


    A5 What art is

    Ask pupils to finish the sentence "Art is ..." Make bookmarks and write the collected sentences on the other side. Make a video where a child reads the sentence and then covers the lens with a hand so that other pupils can come, pupils can make posters with the sentences and filmed them while reading them. What our pupils think is here.

    A6 Children´s rights international day on 20 November

    Italian pupils made research and created Prezi presentations and videos in biteable.com which you can see here.

    A7 Creative winter

    There are so many interesting things to do and create in winter. Our ideas for Art lessons are here.

    A8 Knowing our partners

    To get to know better our partners we made art stickers with our names and simple information on interesting backgrounds. During study visit in Poland, the partners exchange their stickers and after return, they stuck them into a booklet prepared by our Polish hosting school. Another way how to learn more about partners is to learn how they celebrate their holidays. Webpage Holidays in my partner country brings interesting activities and projects which you can use for getting to know each other. 

    A9 Peace international day on 30th January

    ​Didactics instructions + 3 pdf materials with drawing and learning templates and models, quotations, info about Mahatma Gandhi. Materials were prepared by the project coordinator Miriam Tabernal.


       Our work is here and here

    A10 Our city and country art

    Pupils should find information on the Internet, in books or other media, and prepare presentations.

      Our presentations are here.

    A11 A folk tale

    Activities you can do: organize reading a book together in your class or pupils can spend a night at school or library, for example, Czech librarians organize "A night with Andersen" and prepare for children interesting tasks with reading books and sleeping in the library or at school. Tasks which you can do: write a tale and illustrate it or write a national legend and illustrate it, make a video or presentation about the chosen folk tale or legend. Pupils from project partners´ schools presented the national legends at the study visit in Poland in May 2018. They draw also illustrations for exhibitions in a Polish school. The gallery of legends are  here

    A12 A book trailer

    Pupils share, plan, bring requisitions, and write a script. Next, they make a video about a book which they recommend to other partner schools. They can play in the film or they can make a cartoon. Our video trailer is here.

    A13 I lend you this book

    Pupils share about their favorite books in a workshop called "I lend you this book because" and explain to a friend why he or she should read. Pupils made presentations about the books they recommend to the partner school here.

    A14 Music instrument workshop

    Our Italian partner schools prepared an amazing music instrument workshop. It takes 50 Music lessons in 25 weeks. Pupils who are not involved in this project have normal Music lessons and learn about rhythmics and sing. In the 1st and 2nd grade, all involved pupils learn to play the violin or violoncello. In third grade, pupils try playing 5 different musical instruments, for example, the trumpet, the flute, the accordion, the clarinet, the guitar, or the piano. In the 4th and 5th grades, pupils learn to play on the chosen instrument. In Spanish school, pupils had a workshop on playing on a plastic bottle. They bounced it, rolled in on the floor, squeezed it, etc. Then they followed instructions and played a song. A similar workshop was prepared in a musical school for international pupils during our study visit to Poland. A Czech teacher prepared a workshop of playing on plastic tubes when teachers from Poland where job-shadowing in September 2018. Italian teacher prepared an 8-hour workshop to finish pupils, they played an African song at the concert. Spanish and Italian teachers cooperated during a study visit in Poland and their pupils performed with national songs and also played together. Romanian students prepared a concert at the project meeting in Romania, in September 2020.  Here you can see some aspects of the workshops.

    A15 Writing a song

    Croatian teachers prepared an 8-hour workshop in Finland and wrote a rap song together with pupils. They made a video which they shared during the concert.

    The third-grade Romanian students created a video "What art is". The lyrics of the video are the ideas selected from their colleagues. The can be found here.

    A16 Nature presentation

    You can take your pupils for a trip to nature to paint and draw as the Finish school. And Czech teachers prepared didactic materials for two cross-curricular lessons. More information are here.

    a) Biology lesson based on Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh,

    b) Art lesson based on a seaside picture by Czech artist Jan Zrzavý

    c) Lavender story is a cross-curriculum project prepared by Czech school

    d) The Rose Story is a cross-curriculum project prepared by Czech school

    a)  b)     




    A17 Artistic creation with recycled material

    Italian Art teachers made microplastic with their pupils from recycled material. Spanish pupils made amazing models of buildings and other typical things of each partner school from paper, wood, plastic, and other recycled material. Czech pupils used plastic bottles in a Craft lesson to make artistic creations. What they have done, you can see here.

    A18 Photo contest

    To motivate pupils to pay attention to architecture, sculptures, buildings, nature, and city art, you can organize a photo contest. We opened three categories (buildings, nature, city art) and schools could decide what age subcategories they want to organize. In each category, three best photos were chosen in each school and sent to the Czech school which hosted the next project meeting and prepared an international display of the best photos. More information is here.



    A19 Multimedia presentation

    Croatian teams prepared multimedia presentation workshops for Transnational meetings in Joensuu 2018 and Ostrava 2019, for LTTA 2 in Benetússer in 2019. They connected projector presentation with real dance, rap, or theatre performance of pupils. Below is a short video from the shaded theatre made by pupils, they made the puppets, read the script, and acted out with their puppets, and at the same time audience watched the cartoon on the screen and listened to the audio from the film. What we have done is here.

    A20 Our paints

    Pupils learn about famous painters and typical styles. They can try these styles but they can also bring their invention. For example, Italian pupils saw a famous painting on the Internet and then they used the idea of fingers changed into things they like but each child painter his or her interests. More ideas are here. Information about a painting workshop is here. Examples of our paints are here.

    A21 Collective painting

    Spanish team prepared collective painting workshops. The picture is from LTTA 2 in Benetússer in 2019. It is about creativity and cooperation. More information is here.


    A22 What kind of picture + A23 We want to introduce you

    To encourage international cooperative work, we prepared a chain of our schools and a leaflet explaining what to do. Participants from each school prepared presentations about famous painters of the project countries. They sent information about their famous painters and other schools produced a painting with this style. For example, the Spanish team sent a sample picture of Dali, and Finish school painted a painting of Finnish Landscape using this technique. More information about the plan and organization of the activities is here. Information about the beginning of the school cooperation on the tasks is here. Outcomes of these tasks are here.


    Italian team prepared a workshop for LTTA 2 in Benetússer in 2019 to remind 500 years from the death of this great painter and inventor. The methodology is described in the attached document below. More information is also here.

    IT ATAU Art Didactic material for LTT2.pdf

    A23 We want to introduce you

    Our work on this task is described in the previous article.


    A24 Sculpture and sport

    We used aluminum foil to create sculptures of athletes. Photos are here. Pupils from Spain use their bodies in Accro sport to make human sculptures, you can see some photos at the bottom of this page.


    A25 Buildings from here/ from the world

    This task connects our experience from visiting our partner schools and their countries. Each chosen building is well-known in the country of origin and was seen by participating teachers and pupils, sometimes they see the chosen buildings during their travel from airports to their destination. Our collection of buildings and more information is here. Czech pupils used 3D pens to create models of the Eiffel Tower, you can see them here. Pupils looked up famous buildings, arches,  representing the peace idea, and made posters and paper models which you can see here.


    A26 Sculpture and myths

    To see how the Czech school used a myth and sculpture about the sleeping knights under Blanik hill in the task for LTTA1 in Poland go at the bottom of the page here. We also used various materials and worked on traditional ornaments in Spain where LTTA2 participants learned how to paint on a tile. Romanian pupils used seeds to decorate vases and plates with traditional ornaments. In Poland, participants of LTTA1 decorated glass Christmas balls. Czech pupils visited workshops in nearby Art School and Science Museum and made plates from clay and decorated them. The outcomes are here. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and lockdown of schools, we did not have time to realize the final activity for this unit - real sculptures connected with myths.


    A27 Poetry contest

    Examples of various types of poetry contests are here.


    A28 Calligrams

    Explanation of how to make a calligram is here. Pupils learned how to make a calligram during the workshop in LTTA1 in Poland, they also learned how to write with a feather and make paper but we did not take pictures from the calligram workshop.


    A29 A world of dances

    Here is a presentation about Czech traditional dances which were taught during an 8-hour workshop in Joensuu school during our project meeting and they were presented in a concert for parents. Romanian traditional dances were taught in a 2-hour workshop in Dabrowa in our Polish partner school and an 8-hour workshop in Joensuu and presented in concerts in both towns. Polish traditional dances were taught in 1-hour workshop in Music school in Piotrkow in Poland and presented in a concert for parents. Croatian and Spanisch traditional dances were presented by the hosting schools during our project meetings. Partner schools in Poland, Romania, and Czechia have traditional dance groups that work during the whole year. More information is here.


    Czech pupils worked together on a modern dance performance which they also presented at a concert during Transnational Meeting in Ostrava, more information is here.


    A30 Our traditional instruments

    Information about our traditional instruments is here. Italian school has a students´ orchestra and a project where they teach pupils to play the instruments. Finish school teaches pupils to play on their traditional instrument which looks like a little cymbal. They also have a school orchestra. Other schools have choirs. More information is here. If you are an eTwinning member, more information is here.


    A31 The world uses Art to

    The world uses art in innumerable ways, so picked some new styles such as graffiti and collages and you can see the results here.

    Another way how the world uses art is big group performances. The Czech school took part in a national event called "Slet" in Prague in 2018. More information is here.


    A32 New dictionary of art

    Spanish team prepared a methodology for creating a joint New dictionary of Art. Our schools worked together on this task you can see the outcomes here.



    A33 Cinema´s history

    The history of the cinema is not long and it is developing fast. We planned to visit the great Cinema Museum in Torino during our LTTA3 in 2020 but we had to cancel this meeting due to the Coronavirus pandemic and lockdown of schools. Czech pupils learned how to create a film with the help of an IT programming tool Blockly during distance learning. More information is here. Czech pupils worked together on preparing a script with pictures for a film, the outcome is here.


    A34 My favorite film

    Czech pupils worked on this topic during the distance learning and created their presentation and talked about them during Zoom conferences and used Menitmerer to find out why pupils like films and what film is the most popular. Romanian pupils watch their favorite 3D film Storks at school. More information is here.


    A35 The Nutcracker

    Czech school prepared a workshop for girls who picked parts of music, made choreography, learned some ballet postures before the lockdown of schools, and made a film after the lockdown.  We created also a worksheet for this workshop. More information is here.


    A36 The dancer´s life

    Pupils from Italian partner kindergarten took part in club lead by a ballerina and learned basics of rhythmic and ballet, so they lived the dancer´s life. Czech pupil Darina already dances in a real theatre, she performed with the Moscow Theatre in The Nutcracker Ballet and she shared her life with her classmates. She was also the engine of the Nutcracker workshops. More information is here.


    A37 The first audiovisual show

    Croatian school prepared for our LTTAs and Transnational Meetings workshops where pupils worked on audiovisual shows which they presented at the concerts. You can see the video with the shaded theatre Domaci here.


    A38 The magic flute

    Czech pupils worked on this task during the lockdown and made presentations and posters. More information is here.


    A39 How to write a theater script

    Pupils learned how to write a theater script during workshops where we had guests. One workshop is described here.


    A40 We dramatize

    Pupils prepared many dramatizations during our project. Some of them are presented here.

    A41 In the museum we can see

    The introduction of museums which pupils or teachers visited during this project when they met or traveled to the meetings or during the school year is here.


    WORKSHOPS AND CONCERTS organized during project meetings and study visits

    1) Project meeting in Zagreb, Croatia, in November 2017

    During the international concert sang our teacher 3 songs, one of them was a famous Croatian song. Pupils sang to us one Croatian song and finally, we sang together the popular song "If you are happy", pupils in Croatian and teacher in various languages. More information and video from this concert is here.


    2) Project meeting in Benetússer, Spain, in March 2018

    Pupils played on plastic bottles a song together with a professional music band during an event called Fajas. Parents and pupils watched later how their models from recycled material were burnt down and then had hot chocolate and some cakes. Our international teachers this time did not sing at this concert but they practiced for future concerts. One outcome is that the Russian song Kalinka sand by the Czech teacher Marek became very popular and the Italian teacher Alberto took the notes and now his choir is ready to play it at their concerts. More information about this meeting is here.


    3) STUDY VISIT IN POLAND, May 2018 

    a) One workshop lead the Spanish coordinator Miriam (Calligrams) 



    More information about this meeting is here.


    Pupils from Spain took their flutes, pupils from Italy took their instruments, also Polish pupils played and instrument, Czech and Polish pupils sang songs, Polish and Romanians pupils danced traditional dances, and international teachers also sang. Pupils also played as an international orchestra and sang as an international choir.





    4) Project meeting in Joensuu, Finland, in September 2018

    More information about this meeting is here.

    Czech traditional dances workshop in Joensuu, Finland - 8 hours

    More information about our concerts is here.


    5) Project meeting in Ostrava, Czechia, in March 2019

    More information about this meeting is here.


    6) STUDY VISIT IN SPAIN, May 2019

    More information about this meeting is here.


    7) Project meeting in Cosmesti, Romania, in September 2019

    More information about this meeting is here.