Folk tales

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    Share your favourite folk tales with your partners.



    The BLANIK HILL´s KNIGHTS legend

    Our Czech legend tells the story about knights who are sleeping inside the Blaník Mountain. When the Czech country will be really in danger, fighting with the enemies, they will wake up and come to help.

    In this photo, Czech pupils and teachers are waiting for their turn in presenting their legend. There are visuals on the table and they used also PowerPoint presentations.


    Czech pupils wrote a tale about animals.




       Our Finish legends are more like folk tales from the past. They were made by fifth graders with their teacher.

    1) Fox´s fish theft - Luukas, Elsa and Eetu

    2) Raven and fox - Petri, Alexi and Laura

    3) And when the lamb's mouth crossed over - Elmeri, Iita, and Eerik

    4) The mouse helps the bear - Enni, Fjolla, Sade and Viljami

    5) The fox and the bear are fighting for the length of their tail - Siiri, Klaara and Johannes

    6) Bear and ants - Leevi V. Leevi N. and Nea

    1)    2)    3)    4)    5)    6)  



    Our Romanian legend tells the story of a March 1 tradition that is very loved in Romania.



    Romania-our legend.pptx


    Polish pupils prepared visuals for their legend and are getting ready to present their legend about the Dragon from Wawel Castle in Krakow.