World Climate Change Day - distance learning

  • World Climate Change Day - May 15

    Climate is an important natural factor with a great impact on the quality of life on Earth. On this day, the public is focused on large climate changes that are the result of the activity of men. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted in 1992 in Rio. Its goal was to maintain greenhouse gas emissions at such a level that shall prevent dangerous interference into the climate system. The convention was ratified by 195 countries. The next step on the way towards solving the climate change problem was the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol (in 1997). The protocol was determined to last from 2013 to 2020. 

    The EU committed that in the stated period it will have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 20% over the base year. In 2015, the countries signed the Global Climate Change Agreement, which covers all the existing agreements into a unified system.  The goal of this agreement: greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced in the developed countries and the developing countries so that the temperature of the world's atmosphere would not increase by more than 2 degrees Celsius.


    Distance learning March - June 2020 

    Czech pupils worked together with their friends from Turkey, Macedonia, and Portugal on an Environmental project. They exchanged posters about World Climate Change Day. Czech pupils learn about the environment in English in grades 7 and 8 in their textbook Project 3 and 4 in units 5. They also learn about the environment in Woodwork and Design and Construction subjects in grades 6, 7, and 8. Here you can see our outcomes. 








    And here is the presentation of this topic written by René from class 8A

    Climate day René 8A.docx



    We held a zoom meeting conference about the environment with our new friends on May 21.




    Czech pupils learnt how to make posters with during ZOOM meetings when schools were locked down during the Coronavirus pandemic. Classes 6D, 7A and 7D worked together on their lists of words and some pupils created more posters on their own. Here you can see our outcomes: