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    Art and environment projects in our schools:


    Finish pupils went to the lake in May to paint nature in nature.



    The pupils have prepared an exhibition for the protection of endangered birds in Asia. The birds sing only if they are free... The birds came to our school to thank us! EU ZOO and our children in the campaign to save bird singing and mass hunting of Asian bird singing! The most beautiful birds sing in nature!





    Czech teachers prepared two didactic materials for Biology and Art lessons, they are here. These pictures were drawn by Eliška and Jakub.


    Young pupils learnt about birds and how to draw a tree. Below you can see some of their outcomes.



    Pupils brought apples and vegetables to school to learn how to draw it.



    Pupils brought animal toys or baby animals (a snail, a kitten, a rabbit) to learn about their life, how to feed them, and care for them and they draw them.


    Pupils from grade 7 and 9 used an innovative research methodology to learn about the environment and made posters. 




    Some pupils went to nature to learn how to draw trees.



    Spanish pupils made presentations and posters about animals. Here you can see Iberian lynx posters. They used seeds to do collages.




    Italian school consists of three kindergartens, one primary and one secondary school which are located in 5 buildings in 5 different places. Here you can see what the youngest children and elementary pupils created when they were learning about nature.