
  • Dissemination of our project:

    We have added a page of Creaction to our school's web page, where we tell about the basics of the project

    We have presented our project in parent's meetings.

    During our meeting in Finland we visited another upper comprehensive school in Järvenpää and talked there about our project.

    In September -18 we visited local primary school with students and read books to 1st graders as volunteering. We also told them about the project. 

    2019 Tietokirjat.pptx


    We will publish a newspaper article in January -21 about the project, about the song we will compose and about the virtual meeting we will take part.

    We have a link to our project web page in our school's Facebook page

    We will continue co-operation with Pelastakaa lapset ry (Save the Children organisation) which worked with us during the meeting in Finland about the subject Be Safe in the Internet. 8th graders will take a part to research conserning the same theme.