Project Learning and Teaching Activities

  •   The activities written in capital letters in the pages contain at least one collaborative product. For each one of them an online magazine will be prepared as well as a Golden Book to display in schools. 

    World and European celebrations will serve as common events to celebrate our activities, showcase our work thanks to presentations, article and creative writing, posters , movie making. Our four main themes will promote:

    1.Communication and ICT skills :

    -Students will use twinspace to introduce each other and their schools. They'll join a logo competition to give the project an identity

    - Surveys will be made and Information will be given by students on internet safety, .

    -They will create tests on social media.

    -They will prepare Internet Day during a mobility.

    -Training will be given about innovative ICT Tools.

    2. Intercultural European Awareness

    Students will:

    - learn about the construction and history of Europe, geographical and cultural aspects of the eight partner countries (research, drawings, PPT)

    - Attend Workshops to discover a language we don't study at school, the partners' language with a tool kit on our twinspace

    - Learn our partners' National Anthems, or traditional songs and sing them.

    - They will celebrate Europe Day during a mobility. 

    3. Citizenship and entrepreneurship

    -Students make research about the Declaration and Convention of the Children's rights, study the situation of children in the world today.They compare the situation between their country and the world. They learn about the situation of refugiees. They prepare a campaign to raise awareness at school and outside school (paper and online posters, an online petition.

    -Students think about social problems in their area and prepare action to help their community, share it on social media (our Facebook page) and learn to address authorities to change things. -Environment awareness. They'll study about environment issues . They'll step into action ( collecting waste, saving water systems, create vegetable gardens in schools....)

    -They think about their future, wishes of career, make research about european funded opportunities

    -First Aid training

    -They will celebrate Volunteer Day during a mobility.

    4. Creativity and self-fulfillment

    -in their litterature classes, students discover famous plays. We'll offer them the possibility to study the partners' best playwriters. They can interpret some scenes from their partners' countries and turn them into movies.

    -We offer to go further: drama workshops, drama techniques to use in classes to make students volunteer more in class

    -Students discover their partners' best poetry, learn some. They write poems, (students can write a poetry together with the foreign students within a videoconference) we can make ebooks, contests.

    -Students learn about their local artistic culture, but also about their partners'. They prepare exhibitions online and at school, using innovative tools and augmented reality (, HP Reveal) about famous artists. We'll also make exhibitions with our students' artwork.

    -They will learn to respect their self, their health, think about their diet, learn from their partners' healthy habits, be encouraged to practise sport.

    They will celebrate Art Day during a mobility

     A chain movie will be shot about the activities of the project