The Project

  •    Our 6 schools, Collège Elsa Triolet in France, Koivusaaren Koulu in Finland, Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu in Turkey, Instituto de Ensenanza Secundario el Yelmo in Spain, Istituto Comprensivo Statale San Giorgio in Italy and the Observatory School in the UK are all secondary schools, are all facing challenges to keep their students as motivated as possible as they are located in rural areas with fewer opportunities to open up to outstanding and extra curricular activities. Most of us have a high percentage of students with heavy learning difficulties: SEN students, refugees, around 1000 of them if we add them all. As experienced educators, we often notice students don't understand the rationale of certain subjects, find it too difficult to learn new things and progress. Most school curriculums focus on lists of skills to attain, and we fail to understand why some students will achieve some but won't achieve others. We ask students to learn, we teach them how to learn but we often notice that when they have managed to do so, once the assessment is over, a few months or years later, little remains from what they've learnt. Neuroscience studies show we remember what we experience, that we can't learn nor learn to learn if our social background doesn't allow us to access knowledge This could explain why students from privileged backgrounds can learn and remember better what they've learned : their world allows them to reactivate outiside school what they have learned inside. We do believe this project will help them understand that school can be a place where they can find self-fulfillment, where the main goal isn't to merely answer the expectations of society but to find who they are to understand what goals they wish to reach, and how to reach them.. This project aims at helping schools afford implemeting new activities, go beyond regular school curriculums and help students find their talent , to develop further the different subjects and skills taught at school, and explore new types of activities and projects. Thanks to the use of innovative ICT tools, peer work and cross disciplinary activities we hope to include and encourage all our students to try new activities, without fear of failure. To achieve this goal, we will articulate our project around four main themes which will promote Communication and ICT skills, Intercultural European Awareness, Citizenship and entrepreneurship, Creativity and self-fulfillment. Thanks to the use of innovative ICT tools, peer work and cross disciplinary activities, we trust our students will thus become more self-confident about their own talents and skills, and more comfortable with the time spent at school. They will collaborate to create a common website, an online magazine,art exhibitions, launch campaigns , step into action with local associations, make school a safer and happier place by analyzing their social media habits, become aware of their status as Europeans, of their common values and culture. During meetings, they will celebrate Safer Internet Day, Europe Day, Volunteer Day and World Art Day in order to show all their talent and what they have learned thanks to the project. Thus, our schools will suffer less from early school leaving, school demotivation but also allow our students to consider long term schooling, and the importance to carry on their studies as far as possible. Moreover, as our schools are located in rural or semi rural areas, we also believe that this project will help our students to open up to other cultures, and fight their bias. Indeed, Europe is still a vague notion, often seen through the economic side. By collaborating with European students and learning about their culture, we will build bridges between our countries and establish a longlasting relationship. Thanks to this project, we will help our students become better achieved European citizens.