School Activities

  • Let's have a look at our activities that fabulous week of Europe!

    On the first day, the teams were welcomed by the local staff and visited the French school and classes in order to compare the different school systems. In the afternoon, in order to create a sense of collaboration, students attented sport activities and a drama workshop to overcome their shiness. Their mission was to improvise a short play together. 

    The next days, they celebrated Europe Week and Day as they learned about the European Union( history, institutions, countries) thanks to a Learning Apps exercise and an online quiz  prepared by our Turkish partners:

    and a webquest: 

    webquest europe languages.odt

    Students played teachers too as they taught the basics of their mother tongue to their partners but also to other students of the school. 

    They also had the opportunity to discover Cultural Places and monuments in order to learn more about their hosting partner heritage ( medieval city of Provins, Paris main monuments, the Castle of Fontainebleau).

    In the end they prepared a  final presentation to disseminate in their schools, 

    Our Common movie:

    and teachers prepared a few movies:

    France by the Turkish:

    France mobility by the French


    Italians in France!