2nd Students Exchange: France

  • Be Europe!

    Before this meeting, students will have started working online on our common twinspace by doing research on Europe's history, its institutions and culture, and feeding our online magazine, making reports, interviewing their partners, learning bits of partners' national anthems.. T During the meeting they will thus:

    -give a more concrete turn to their research about their partners by writing and illustrating together the Second Golden Books including local documents brought by partners.( focus on gastronomy, languages, local celebrations)

    -learn about their host partners' culture by visiting and exploring the country. Chosing and bringing back local items to illustrate their presentation once home. -prepare the Celebration of Europe Day.

    -make posters to display during the dedicated, presentations to make, games (Kahoots, Plickers) to play in the host school classes, using all the knowledge they will have gathered previously.

    -sing their anthems and the musical participants will thus show their talents.

    The school community, other local partners will be invited to visit the school that day to see the work done.

      -realize a common presentation about everyday activities to upload on twinspace and other websites in order to disseminate.

    - be asked if their expectations have been met to allow the coordinators assess the benefit of this activity. They will be evaluated at the end of the activity and we will compare the progress to assess the impact of the activities.

    A workshop managed by a specialist of European Issues will be offered to them to go further during a planned visit to Jean Monnet Foundation.