A28: eSkills and digital jobs

  • 02.05.2016. CROATIA

    Nikola Vrdoljak, director of PR & Digital Agency 404 and Digital Marketing professional, held a very interessting lecture for our students. He explained many aspects of his work and our students really enjoyed it.



    10.12.2015. CROATIA

    Gostovanje Krešimira Tkalčeca, stručnjaka za izradu digitalnih efekata

    U sklopu Erasmus+ programa Pollution! Find a STEM solution! u našoj je školi gostovao gospodin Krešimir Tkalčec, stručnjak za izradu specijalnih digitalnih efekata za igrane filmove, animirane filmove i računalne igrice.

    Pripremio je prezentaciju i održao predavanje o svome zanimljivom i neobičnom zanimanju te učenicima predočio kako radi svoj posao.

    Učenici su imali priliku vidjeti kako se stvaraju digitalni efekti za filmove, kao i saznati što je sve potrebno da se postane takvim stručnjakom.

    Dobili su vrijedan savjet za svoje buduće školovanje, a to je da trebaju biti uporni u svemu što rade, te učiti matematiku!

    Puni dojmova zahvalili smo se gosp. Tkalčecu na gostovanju, zadovoljni što smo se upoznali s još jednim neobičnim zanimanjem.

    13.03.2015. CROATIA

    Lovro Gracin, software engineer and developer gave a lecture for students and teachers in our school on what its like to be a programmer. He talked about his job, his education and the importance of science in our everyday life.

    After the lecture there was a workshop "How to design an iPad game". Mr. Lovro has designed 5 iPad games and he showed the students the one named: "Frank Eleven" and asked them to heelp him design a smiley face. Durign the designing process students had an insight on how much work and devotion it takes to design even something so "simple".


    After the workshop Mr. Gracin answered students questions and filled out a job card for our project.





    Our school in Croatia is organizing a lecture and a workshop by a software engineer. Here is an invite.


    A28 E skills and digital jobs

    This activity goal is to connect the schools with INDUSTRY, especially ICT and STEM professionals. In order to inspire and challenge our students, we will engage them with presentations and workshops of software developers, civil engineers, researchers, medical scientists. They will serve as role-models and motivators. It is a way to involve the community in supporting children’s learning and also introduce some FUTURE DIGITAL JOBS. It will show wide range of CAREER PROSPECTS that STEM opens up to students that don't plan on continuing their education after primary school and bring real–world context and applications of STEM into schools to enrich teaching.


    - Job card

    - Interesting lecture

    - More motivated students

    - Students became more interested in coding