Croatian students



    Stekli smo mnoga znanja o robotici,radu na elektronici,Ebooku.Najviše nam se svidjelo programiranje robota zato što smo se prvi put susreli s time.Nama je bilo jako zanimljivo i uzbudljivo.Mislim da bi se sve škole trebale uključiti u ovakve projekte zato što bi naučili puno toga novoga.Htjeli bi ponovo biti dio ovog projekta i preporučujemo uključenje svim novim geniracijama.Upoznali smo nove prijatelje za cijeli život , ali nam je žao što se ne možemo više družiti...

                                                                                                                                     Paula Čizmić i Tena Smiljanić, 8.A



    Ovaj je projekt za nas bio jedno uzbudljivo i zanimljivo iskustvo, naučili smo kako programirati robota, kako koristiti različite web alate, poboljšali smo svoje prezentacijske vještine. No najvažnije upoznali smo mnogo zanimljivih ljudi koji su nam pokazali svoje običaje i postali smo prijatelji.  Iskreno se nadamo da ćemo u srednjoj školi biti dio sličnoga projekta te da ćemo moći dalje širiti svoje vidike, da ćemo imati profesore dobre kao ove koji će nastaviti širit naše znanje.

    Petra Ivanović i Bruna Mioč


    We are very grateful that we are part of this project, but sadly this is our last year of being part of it. We hope that other generations will enjoy this as much as we did. We learned lot about robotics,physics,ICT... Also we met amazing people who became our friends.We will always remember this project in a good way. We recomend every student that has a chance to join this project to join it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Petra K.P. and Nika M.


    In this project I learned how to use web 2.0 tools, program a robot, and a lot more usefull things. I really like being in this project and I support it  because I can learn a lot of new and interesting things. I think that the mobilities are the best part of this project because you can learn about another countries, meet new pepole, make new friends and so much more. Because of this project I made so many new friends, and that is only one of the many reasons I  like participating in projects like this and I really hope that there will be more projects like tihs in the future.



    This project was full of fun and new experiences. We are grateful to our families, teachers and everyone else who made this project succesful. We would do this all over again without any doubts. This project, especially mobilities, helped us to meet some interesting people and make new friends.We all learned very much. We are very sorry that this is the end of our project but we are all very happy that we were a part of it.We are very happy that we had an opportunity to visit Czech Republic.
    Ema and Mara.