A11: Measuring noise pollution


     Filip's program for light and noise measurements:



    The film presents how to programm the Lego inteligent brick:



    Beneath you have some photos from the workshop during the mobility to Poland:

    Measuring Sound Pollution in Ferran Tallada (Spain)


    Detail of the noise reduction panels installed in our school


    Poster made by students during the investigation


    You can See the permanent measurement devices installed in Ins Ferran Tallada

    Noise awareness day. Public tv recording.

    The school participated in the Noise Awareness Day Campaign (29 April 2015). Students made measurements in different places in the school using portable devices, such as smartphones and tablets and the Noisewatch app. They calculated means and sent data results. These were included in a statistical noise map which could be consulted. Students explained what they were doing and why to other school classes.