Reflections from the Spanish team.

  • Benefits of meeting:

    Instead of having lots of virtual meeting and being experts in them, we miss normal meetings. We hope in some months the situation will be better. One positive point of this meets is to share ideas, activities, points of view and different way to solve problems.


    Shared examples of good practice:

    We consider very interesting and curious all the Bulgarian system, but we miss not to stay there for learning more about that.

    All the activities and ideas that we share were very important because they open our mind.


    What could be done better:

    In virtual meetings is very common to suffer technical problems. However, we think we can improve something like having more practical activities, in that way participant can interact more.


    New ideas, new knowledge:

    All of us have the same enemy: COVID. Unfortunately, it is increasing in cold months and we think we can share new ideas or good practice for fight against this enemy, so it is very difficult to deal with this with children.