Reports on building sustainable relationships

  • As it is not clear if we will be able to go on all physical mobilities we planned for the next months due to Covid-19 situation, we moved most of the project work online. We organised 3 day virtual mobility where we discussed what are sustainable relationships, how we do it in our schools and how can we even improve this practice. We don't know if we will be able to observe relationships between school staff, students, parents and local community in person, so we did reports on that subject.


    This is the definition we came up with in one of the virtual conference workshops. 



    Sustainable relationships


    Sustainable relationships are based on acceptance, respect and care to live in understanding of our thoughts and actions. They help ensure that our organisations are stable and that we work together toward a goal that conserves human and environmental resources.



    1. Like natural resources, human resources cannot be taken for granted.
    2. For successful implementation of change, it is important to involve children, parents, teachers, and local community.
    3. Sustainable relationships are those that can be sustained over time.



    • What is the climate like at your school?
    • Do your relationships with your colleagues take energy away from you?
    • Do you think about having fun?
    • Is there a lot of gossip at your school?

    You can find the reports in the subpages.