Throughout history, the central role of women in society has ensured the stability, progress and long-term development of nations. Some of them influenced the society in such a strong way that they became agents of change: in economyu, education, entrepreneurship etc.
Unfortunatelly not all the women in the world have had the chance to demonstrate their talent, their attitudes and their wisdom because of the lack of gender equality.
Here is an eTwinning project which pretends to enhance the value of all those women who fought for the Human rights, for the science, for the economic growth, for the animals, for the environement etc along the history.
Collaborating and cooperating together we set up the work plan of this eTwinning project using a shared drive document
In this eTwinning project participated all partner schools of the Erasmus+ project SDGs Action! To share the idea of the project we decided to invate 6 other European schools in the eTwinning project Wo;en who changed the world.
In the end we received 12 European Quality labels for all 12 participants in the project.