Thursday 20th May : SDGs Action! sculpture



    1. Warm up games: Catalonia, Bulgaria, France

    2. Sharing our SCRATCH games: Italy, Romania, Finland

    3. SDGs Action! Teachers's escape room

    4. SDGs Action! sculpture pair countries 

    Click here to view the results of this amazing and artistic collaborative work:


    Made with Padlet


    Bulgarian sculpture - made by the studenst from SU EKZARH ANTIM I, KAZANLAK

    The Bulgarian and Finninsh teams collaborated and decided to create  our home  Earth.Both countries made one globe each and a big amount of worry dolls. The main idea of the sculpture is - We can tell the dolls about our sorrows, fears and worries. All those sad feelings will be taken away by the worry dolls. We can just focus on positive thinking and making our world a better place to live. We will save the planet TOGETHER following the idea EVERY ACTION MATTERS!

    The students in both countties workefd in international team to create the image of the sculpture. In each school the students worked in small teamas to create the elements of the sculpure. In Bulgaria  3a class was responcible for  creation of ther meridians and the simbols of the 17 SDGs. 3b class was responsible to create the gloub and its base. The students from 3v klass created the worry dolls. The process  brough big fun for all studnets involved. The result was  thanks to the international andd national cooperation. Amazing work and experiance.

    The students from 3v class and Rositsa Mincheva cretaed the worried dolls

    The studnets from 3a class created the simbols of SDGs and the flags with SDGs for the worried dolls

    The studnets from 3b class creted the Earth

    5. SDGs Action! Tik Tok